March 5, 2024

International Women’s Day 2024

  • Time: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Networking / In person
  • Gateley, One Eleven Edmund St, Birmingham, B3 2HJ

Join us in our Birmingham office on Tuesday 5 March 2024 from 5pm as we celebrate International Women’s Day.

The theme for this year is inspiring inclusion and we’ll be hosting a panel event followed by networking and refreshments in a ‘sober space’.

At the event, we’ll also launch Gateley Lean In Circles, which are an opportunity for women to meet regularly in a supportive environment where they can inspire and be inspired.


Ruth Heaton

Ruth established the talent development team at Gateley in 2014 and was recently promoted to Talent Development Director for the business. Ruth leads the health and wellbeing agenda at Gateley, specialising in mental health in the workplace. She also runs the various mentoring schemes within the business and set up a maternity coaching programme.

Nabila Zulfiqar 

Nabila is a solicitor who has worked in local government and the civil service and is currently Chief Adjudicator at the SRA. She is also a non-executive director on the National League Board and a National Serious Case Panel Chair for the FA.

Shaid Parveen

Shaid Parveen is a qualified lawyer and the Associate Dean for Enterprise and Engagement for Aston Law School and the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Aston University. Shaid is a Senior Teaching Fellow and leads the Aston Law Clinic which advises businesses and entrepreneurs. Shaid has a proven track record in EDI and is the Chair of the Birmingham Law Society Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage subcommittee and the Law Society of England and Wales Women Solicitor’s Network. 

Carole Burgher

Judge Burgher is the lead FDAC judge and feels very privileged to work with the families who need the court, all those that made it possible and the team of experts who support it. She is now lead Judge for the introduction of the Pathfinder Pilot court that is to begin in May this year. For over 23 years, Judge Burgher was a member of the Law Society Children’s Panel. Judge Burgher became a Circuit Judge in February 2018 and has been instrumental in creating the Birmingham and Solihull Family Drug and Alcohol Court, which opened in March 2021, and after a two year pilot continues to produce impressive outcomes for children and their families. 


Please email along with any dietary requirements to confirm your place at this event.