May 16, 2023

Nutrient Neutrality

Gateley Legal

  • Time: noon - 12:30 p.m.
  • Update / Virtual
  • Webinar

Registration is now open for the second in our series of bitesize planning webinars. 

The second session in this webinar series will provide an overview of ‘nutrient neutrality’ issues faced by the development industry. Since the onset of the issue in late 2018, new development in catchment areas affecting designated sites has been stymied, unless it can be shown the impacts of that development will not add any additional nutrients into that habitat.

Over four years on, the session will look back at the key developments before assessing the current position and latest progress.

Upcoming events

Topics and dates for the rest of the planning series, where we will consider key planning issues currently affecting development:



Tuesday 6 June Judicial review
Tuesday 13 June Section 73/Section 96A
Tuesday 20 June Biodiversity net gain