
Jonathan is a Chartered Surveyor with experience within the utilities and compulsory purchase sectors. He works for promotors and landowners on linear projects, estate renewals and town centre regeneration schemes. His experience includes all aspects of land assembly, compulsory purchase procedure and the assessment of compensation.

Jonathan has acted for a number of local authorities, developers, utility companies and a number of private landowners or occupiers affected by compulsory purchase.

Jonathan provides compulsory purchase procedural advice and costs estimates to the acquiring authority and developers for budgetary purposes, including the estimate of the compensation elements of disturbance and reinvestment compensation; this is key for financial planning in development schemes. He also has experience of working with claimants, providing compulsory purchase, valuation and compensation advice. Working with both claimants and acquiring authorities provides a broad understanding of the wider impacts of compulsory purchase and development schemes.

He has experience of dealing with a wide range of property types, which includes but is not limited to the following: retail, office, industrial, residential, development land, rural land, amenity land, leisure facilities and advertising hoardings.


  1. Advising various landowners in relation to HS2.
  2. Advising the London Borough of Bexley in relation to regeneration of various sites. 
  3. Advising Countryside Gardens in relation to utilities compensation for a development site in East London.
  4. Advising Harworth Group in relation to various development impacts as a result of linear schemes or the land assembly process. 
  5. Advising Barking Riverside in relation to utilities compensation.