Workforce restructuring

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Gateley Legal

Businesses evolve over time, and sometimes workforce restructuring and reorganisation become necessary – whether that is because of growth or relocation, or during times of economic uncertainty.

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What do we do?

Our expert lawyers can help you to manage the workforce restructuring process – from planning, to implementation, to monitoring the results – to ensure that risks are managed and that decisions are taken that best deliver the business’ strategic objectives. 

Workforce restructuring can be unsettling and involve significant change for your business and your staff. Getting the right advice from the outset is critical to the success of a workforce restructuring process. We have the requisite experience to support businesses to implement such projects with as little disruption as possible.

The team at Gateley Legal can be relied on to provide sound legal advice on complex matters in a timely manner. We have particularly valued the team’s ability to translate complex legal advice in a way which lay people can understand.
Legal 500 UK, 2024

Who do we help?

We advise clients from global corporates to SMEs and are also recognised as leading advisers to a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, local government, education, social housing, manufacturing, retail and financial services.

Diversity, equity and inclusion audit

Assess your organisation’s ability to prevent harassment and protect your workers via our comprehensive easy-to-use diversity, equity and inclusion audit, and find out how to make positive progress in your journey towards an effective DEI programme. 

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