
Gemma specialises in all aspects of residential development, acting on behalf of developers, land promoters and landowners to deliver predominately residential developments throughout the South East of England.

Working with clients to acquire land by way of option agreements, conditional contracts and other suitable acquisition structures, Gemma acts on behalf of clients from initial land purchase (with or without funding) through to eventual plot sales, including disposals of land and/or completed units to affordable housing providers.


  1. Acting for a top 5 developer in the acquisition of a consented development scheme for a total consideration in excess of £53m (including deferred consideration secured by legal charge) together with 5 different types of overage provisions and buy-back provisions.
  2. Acting for a land promoter to acquire a site for residential development by way of a conditional contract and completing an immediate sub-sale of the land on the purchase completion date to a third-party developer, to include various retention clauses.
  3. Acting for a developer in a site assembly including the unconditional purchase of a residential property in the centre of the potential scheme together with exchange of a conditional contract for the assembly of a further 6 surrounding properties including 2 post-planning overages.
  4. Acting for a developer to acquire a disused vicarage with associated land by way of a conditional contract which included an obligation on the developer to build, as part of the new development, a new vicarage for the benefit of the original seller on their retained land, including security documentation for the works.
  5. Acting for a developer for the purchase of a site by way of an assignment of option agreements for the land purchase, subsequent completion of the purchase, refinance, site set up for plot sale and sale of affordable housing units within the development.