At the Annual General Meeting of Gateley, held today at 12.30pm, all the resolutions were passed on a show of hands. The result of the proxy voting is detailed below.

Resolution Votes For*
Votes against
Votes Withheld
To receive the audited accounts of the Company 60,405,837 - 716
To approve the Directors' remuneration 30,972,104 28,024,992 1,409,457
To appoint Roderick Richard Waldie as a Director 60,405,690   300 563
To re-appoint Michael James Ward as a Director 59,546,540 858,690 1,323
To re-appoint Suzanne Frances Allison Thompson as a Director 58,709,315 884,874 812,364
To appoint MacIntyre Hudson LLP as auditors to the Company 59,541,885 860,851 3,817
To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors 59,535,350 870,890 313
To authorise the Directors to allot relevant securities 60,400,783 5,457 313
To authorise the Directors to allot equity securities 60,400,783 5,457 313
To authorise the Directors to allot equity securities for an acquisition or capital investment 60,400,783 5,457 313
To authorise the Company to purchase its own shares 60,389,897 16,343 313


* Any proxy appointments, which gave discretion to the Chairman have been included in the 'For' votes total.

The Board notes that even though the resolution was passed, certain shareholders voted against Resolution 2, being the adoption of the Company's Remuneration Report. The Board is aware that, in some cases, such voting was influenced by a report produced by a proxy shareholder services company, which recommended to institutional shareholders that they vote against this resolution. The Board intends to engage both with the relevant institutional shareholders and the proxy shareholder services company itself to better understand their respective positions, as well as to explain to each why the Board believes that the findings in the report are not based upon all of the information which is relevant and are, therefore, inappropriate in this instance.

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