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All insight
10 key employment law cases of 2022
10 key employment law developments in 2023
10 key employment law developments – Summer 2024
10 top tips for dealing with crisis management
2% non-UK resident surcharge for Stamp Duty Land Tax
2023 Spring Budget: a tax perspective
2024 in immigration law: key developments for businesses to be aware of
2024 retrospective: top 10 pensions developments
21st Century Trusteeship – the new campaign
31 December 2020: deadline looms for extending certain planning permissions
5 common areas of concern in R&D claims
5 developments you may not have realised are potentially patentable
5 tips for terminating contracts
5 top tips when recovering for remedial works
5 ways to unlock the power of assessment in higher education
6 month anniversary of the Clive Sheldon QC’s Report
6 tips to make assessments more accessible to neurodivergent participants
800 employees sacked without notice - what’s the risk?
A User’s Guide to Mediation
A brave new world: video mediation
A brief guide to redundancy collective consultations
A brief guide to rentcharges
A company's powers: what are the restrictions and what do lenders need to look out for?
A complete guide to Inheritance Act claims in the UK
A complete guide to administering an estate in the UK
A complete guide to contesting a will in the UK
A complete guide to lifetime gifts in the UK
A complete guide to wills and will writing in the UK
A few thoughts about the Government's response to the LVC Select Committee report
A forensic approach to fraud investigations
A gender-fluid employee is protected under the Equality Act
A guide to Court of Protection disputes in the UK
A guide to R&D tax relief
A guide to TUPE information and consultation
A guide to The Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill: what you need to know
A guide to UK patents
A guide to UK trade marks
A guide to alternative employment in redundancy
A guide to avoiding death benefit disputes
A guide to capital allowances in the UK
A guide to claiming land remediation relief in the UK
A guide to claiming patent box relief in the UK
A guide to company directors’ duties when setting up a business in the UK
A guide to conveyancing: the key to a smooth sale or purchase
A guide to copyright protection
A guide to dealing with job references
A guide to design protection
A guide to employee rights
A guide to family trust disputes in the UK
A guide to family trusts in the UK
A guide to how investigators can help legal teams
A guide to individual consultation in an employment contract variation exercise
A guide to obtaining ‘class consent’
A guide to overseas patents
A guide to overseas remote working for UK employers and employees
A guide to overseas trade marks
A guide to pre-death agreement disputes in the UK
A guide to statutory leave entitlement
A guide to the National Security and Investment Act 2021
A guide to the Unitary Patent system and Unified Patent Court in Europe
A guide to the capital allowances super deduction in the UK
A joint approach to conveyancing in Northern Ireland
A picture is worth a thousand words, except of course when it isn’t
A practical guide to employee ownership trusts
A question of testamentary capacity?
A right to request predictable work
A summary of the Draft Code on Dismissal and Re-engagement
A summer of sporting fever: How employers can help strike a work-life balance for employees
A war of words and whiskey: Lobov v McGregor’s lessons for business on injunctions and social media
A year in review: what the latest HSE statistics tell us about worker safety in 2024
ADHD Awareness Month: Supporting employees with ADHD and other forms of neurodiversity
Absolute discretion: does it mean what it says?
Accessing agricultural land for surveys and investigations
Accounting depreciation v capital allowances – the results of the Office of Tax Simplification findings
Active listening: why it is more important now than ever
Adapting your US patent application for Europe
Additional information form (AIF) required for R&D claims
Address for service for UK patent rights from 1 January 2021
Adjudicating account claims
Adjudication and limitation defences
Adjudication enforcement: to challenge, or not to challenge?
Adjudicators and allegations of fraud
Adverts and discrimination claims
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Why mediate?
Alternative dispute resolution in Northern Irish employment law
Amazon fined record £636 million for GDPR violations
Amazon takedowns and unjustified threats
An adjudication within an adjudication? Jurisdiction or not?
An employer’s guide to dismissing lawfully
An employer’s guide to employee resignations
An employer’s guide to garden leave
An employer’s guide to suspending employees
An introduction to floating charges
An offer that should never be made
An overview of the draft Building Safety Bill
An overview of the draft Fire Safety Bill
An overview of Green and Sustainable Lending
An overview of due diligence in a business acquisition
An update on the latest telecoms lease renewal case
Another change of stance by the Government on cladding
Anti-suit injunctions and foreign seated arbitrations
Apple’s disclosure reading “unduly restrictive” in collective proceedings
April 2023 LDI guidance from The Pensions Regulator
Aqua Leisure International LTD v Benchmark Leisure LTD
Are CDC schemes back on the cards?
Are CVAs here to stay?
Are four-day working weeks on the horizon?
Are older employees disadvantaged by recruitment restrictions?
Are you ready for the Government's new Breathing Space initiative?
Are you ready for the Health and Safety Executive to spot check your site?
Are you ready for the new Protect Duty?
Are you ready for yet more changes to the Building Regulations?
Are your services the right fit?
Artificial intelligence: supporting development with R&D tax credits
As an employer, should I apply for a sponsor licence now?
Asking the right questions: a renewed focus around R&D tax incentives for 2023
Assessing policies for indirect discrimination
Assignment of claims in cartel damages actions
Assumptions about leadership behaviour in PE deals
At what point does the period of limitation commence in cartel damages claims?
Auditors or frauditors: who is liable?
Australian style pension megafunds to be rolled out in the UK
Automatic unfair dismissal can lead to an employer being ordered to continue paying a former employee’s wages
Autumn Budget 2021: updates to pension law
Autumn Budget 2024: Is there enough support for town centre regeneration?
Autumn Budget 2024: our reaction
Autumn Budget: key takeaways for pensions
Autumn Statement 2023: Research and development tax relief changes
Autumn Statement 2023: Significant reform of the pensions sector announced
Autumn statement: initial thoughts
Avanti Communications: how much control is needed for a fixed charge?
Avoid these traps and get succession planning right in 2022
Avoiding discrimination in your recruitment process
Avoiding poor decision making during periods of uncertainty
Avon Cosmetics v Dalriada Trustees: Court approves compromise
Avon Cosmetics v Dalriada Trustees: court confirms partially valid CARE amendment is effective
Axminster Carpets: High Court rules on forfeiture and limitation in relation to historic claims for pension arrears
BA settles long-running dispute with scheme trustee
BADR – the death of 169Q elections?
BEIS: The recent plans to review how companies use share buybacks
BUILDER trade mark decision: When descriptive marks’ foundations crumble
Baby loss awareness week: How to support employees
Back to basics: Further assurance and powers of attorney
Back to basics: No waiver clauses
Back to basics: Witnessing well
Backing (up) your arguments
Backlash from patent applicants over stricter EPO description amendments
Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd v Astec Projects Ltd
Banking and finance legal update: Q4 2024
Banking fraud and asset tracing
Banks blocked from relying upon the ‘pass-on’ defence – but is this defence past its best?
Barhale LTD v SP Transmission PLC
Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s legal rights as a cohabitee
Being an authentic leader – it’s not as simple as it seems
Beware of ‘change of banking details’ fraudulent schemes
Beware relying on irrelevant defences; they could reduce your costs award
Bexheat LTD v Essex Services Group LTD
Biased investigation may taint fairness of dismissal
Bill of lading: party named as “shipper” was not a party to contract of carriage
Bilton & Johnson (Building) Co Ltd v Three Rivers Property Investments Ltd
Biodiversity net gain regulations consultation
Bravejoin Company Ltd v Prosperity Moseley Street Ltd
Breaching lender covenants
Bresco Electrical Services LTD v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) LTD
Brexit update – Reminder that Standard European Consumer Credit Information (SECCI) must soon be replaced
Broseley London LTD v Prime Asset Management LTD
Budget 2021: property tax incentives and the super-deduction
Building Safety Act 2022: Clarification on developer’s ability to recover remedial costs
Building Safety Act 2022: Lehner v Lant Street Management Co Ltd
Building Safety Act: the main changes
Building Safety Bill Update: new proposals and how they affect residential developers
Building Safety Bill, 05 July 2021: key provisions and how they affect residential developers
Building Safety Levy consultation: What do developers need to be aware of?
Building a resilient SME in 2025
Bulk transfers of DC pensions without consent – is existing legislation fit for purpose?
Business Interruption Insurance for losses arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic
Business Interruption Insurance ruling: what does it mean for landlords and tenants?
Business across borders: how does a foreign company sign?
Business and Planning Bill: planning overview
Business as usual for pension schemes and VAT
Businesses face risk of increased holiday pay claims
Buying a business: bridging the valuation gap
Buying a new build property in Northern Ireland
Buying an insolvent business
Buying or selling a business: can TUPE be avoided?
CAT guidance on competing Collective Proceedings Order applications
CAT issues stark warning on communicating with class members
CC Construction LTD v Mincione
CLBILS: the essential Q&A for businesses
CMA proposes mandatory tenders for fiduciary management
COSHH Regulations: a quick review
COVID-19: Could it be the next glass cliff for female leaders?
Cadbury ruling: trade mark protection for specific colours possible
Can I dismiss someone who won't agree to a variation to their employment contract?
Can IP protect originators and consumers in the fight against fake cosmetics?
Can a claim for defective works be set off against a contractor’s adjudication award?
Can a director reuse the name of an insolvent company?
Can a member of an LLP charge their interest in that LLP?
Can a payment adjudication never be adjudicated on twice?
Can an authority reject an abnormally low tender?
Can better contracts mean faster payments?
Can the director you’re dealing with bind the company?
Can you sell a gift of land for development purposes once the site becomes redundant?
Capital allowances: maximising tax incentives ahead of impending changes
Capital gains tax: hidden dangers in planning for Labour’s Budget
Capital markets and IPOs: to float or not to float
Carers Rights Day 2024: how can employers support employees who are carers?
Case law update: Employment status
Celebrating 25 years of GIS excellence: understanding GIS and the power of data
Challenging a procurement process: the 10-day time limit
Challenging landlords’ costs for consent
Challenging settlements in the ET
Changes to Default Notices under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the Act)
Changes to VAT rules on compensation payments
Changes to taxation of mileage payments create potential for employers to reclaim overpaid NICs
Changing terms and conditions of employment: employer considerations
Charity Commission looking forward
Cherry picking settlement terms not permitted
Childcare options for working parents
Choosing a name suitable for trade mark protection
Choppy waters for restructuring plans?
Christmas temps: How different are their employment rights compared to permanent employees?
Cladding and fire safety defect claim: LDC (Portfolio One) Ltd v (1) George Downing Construction Ltd and (2) European Sheeting Ltd
Cladding claims and insurance liability caps
Cladding claims: can the insurer be pursued?
Claiming R&D tax relief: Commonly asked questions around HMRC enquiries
Closing a pension scheme to accrual – a more relaxed approach?
Closing the pensions inequality gap
Closing your UK subsidiary
Closure of the Investor visa: Is there any alternative
Coll v Google: certification update
Collateral warranties and the ability to adjudicate
Combating money laundering – the role of the pension scheme trustee
Commercial and leisure landlords and tenants: challenges and opportunities post-lockdown
Commercial landlords face further restrictions on rent arrears recovery
Commercial landlords to be prevented from pursuing remedies against tenants
Commercial lease break clauses and the difficulties of vacant possession
Common issues when compiling an R&D tax credit claim
Common issues when implementing effective safeguarding policies
Common questions: signing documents
Common sense prevails!
Commonly asked questions about the signing of deeds and documents
Comparators in disability claims
Comparing the competition in the UK grocery, online shopping and petrol markets
Competition claim struck out, but cartel concerns remain in Orkney
Compulsory alternative dispute resolution: a brave new world
Compulsory purchase – a threat and an opportunity for housebuilders
Conduct at work-related events
Consent, neglect and connivance: when business risk becomes personal risk for directors
Consider plausibility when drafting your European patent
Consideration payable when telecoms lease renewals are unprotected
Considerations before transferring ownership of property to your children
Considerations when relocating your business
Considering a foreign court’s competence when enforcing at common law
Contracting-out & GMP revaluation – upcoming deadline
Contracts and Pension Schemes – When is a contract not a contract?
Converting offices to hotels and the tax relief nobody knows about
Corbin & King: Should secured lenders be worried about the new moratorium?
Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (CIGA) and other COVID related reforms: Key provisions
Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 extension
Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020: impact on winding up petitions
Corporate governance and insolvency – the Government’s response
Corporate safeguarding: the things you need to know
Corporate transparency and register reform: Government publishes final proposals
Correcting mistakes in pension scheme rules
Could payments to an employer be claimed back?
Counterclaims and ICSID: Are counterclaims by States against investors increasing at ICSID?
Court application to force the withdrawal of a call on an on-demand bond refused
Court dismisses repetitive Data Subject Access Requests
Court of Appeal gives Safeway hope on equalisation
Court of Appeal holds that English courts can compel parties to engage in ADR
Court of Appeal upholds that amendment power proviso protects future service benefits
Court of Appeal: disputed pension rights can be compromised
Covenants and confidentiality: the key to protecting your business
Covid-19: Will the rent suspension clause cover it?
Creating a flexible workplace that is fit for the future
Criminal risks of loans to defined benefit pension employers
Croda europe LTD v Optimus Services LTD
Croudace Homes LTD v PRB Wiring Solutions LTD
Crypto Winter: Recovering your crypto-assets when insolvency strikes
Crypto winter continues: when will spring appear?
Cubex (UK) Ltd v Balfour Beatty Group Ltd
Current assets: separating the ‘can’t pay’ from the ‘won’t pay’ customer
D McLaughlin & Sons LTD v East Ayrshire Council
DAC6: HMRC guidance on its way
DAC6: cross-border taxation arrangements
DB final funding and investment regulations published
DB investment guidance
DIFC Court of Appeal clarifies law on crypto assets
DLUHC v Grey GR Limited Partnership: Remediation Order granted under s.123 BSA
DWP consultation on possible surplus removal changes and the PPF as a public consolidator
Dangers of wilful breach of a restrictive covenant
Data Protection in sport: the key issues to consider
Date confirmed for the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022 to come into force
Davies & Davies Associates LTD v Steve Ward Services (UK) LTD
Dawn raids: What are they and who has the power to carry one out?
Deadline approaches for protected rights amendments
Deaf Awareness Week: Supporting deaf employees in the workplace
Dealing with a distressed or insolvent company: what are the risks?
Debt-recovery in leasing: bankruptcy or Part 7 proceedings?
Debunking some common employment law myths
December 2024 sees further changes for the private rental sector in Northern Ireland
Decoding intellectual property valuation: Why the ‘human touch’ is still important
Deductions depend on contract terms
Default Notices must be amended by 1 June 2021
Defective trust deeds – an expensive oversight?
Deferring land payments: are there valid ways to do it?
Defining the boundaries of offshore adjudication
Delta Fabrication & Glazing LTD v Watkin Jones & Son LTD
Determining entitlement to a patent
Determining the price when buying and selling a business
Developing a new leadership framework? Ten tips for ensuring yours delivers
Developing the leaders who will go furthest, fastest
Development agreements and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
Development programmes: One size fits all? Or some? Or none?
Did delusions mean an employee was disabled?
Did not returning from maternity leave amount to a resignation?
Did protected disclosures lead to dismissal?
Different but equal
Digital connectivity: essential for levelling up the UK
Digital evidence at WIPO
Directors' duties: what should a board of directors do?
Directors’ duties to creditors
Directors’ duties: the risks and possible protections
Disability Pride Month 2024: Why it’s important to celebrate in the workplace
Disability and substantial impact
Disability status at the time of the discriminatory act
Disciplinary procedures that skip an investigation hearing
Discrimination - one off or continuing act?
Discrimination and harassment: 5 reasons an employer’s “reasonable steps” defence might fail
Discrimination arising from a trip abroad?
Discrimination protection may only apply from when an employee is ‘disabled’
Discussing the term 'smash and grab' adjudication
Dismissal for religious belief or misconduct?
Dispute resolution: what options are there that won’t break the bank?
Disputes arising from M&A deals in Africa
Disputes over IP ownership
Disruptive leadership: how increased strain can derail leaders
Dissolution of management companies: regulatory issues for housebuilders and developers
Dividends on winding up
Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas: How can you support employees during these festivals?
Do fleets need to re-evaluate how they use smartphones?
Do insolvency practitioners have to comply with subject access requests?
Do you have a construction contract? The Technology & Construction Court gives a concrete answer
Do you have ‘reasonable prevention procedures’ to stop tax evasion?
Do you need a GLAA licence? What it is and what it requires
Does Brexit impact governing law and jurisdiction clauses?
Does the ‘prevention principle’ apply if parties have made provision for a time extension?
Doing business 2023: spending continues to tighten
Don’t cut corners when it comes to waste
Don’t get yourself in knots: understanding Japanese Knotweed
Downs Road Development LLP v Laxmanbhai Construction (UK) LTD
Draft Finance Bill 2024: Removal of LTA and relief at source measures
Dress policy and discrimination
Drugs, dismissal and damages
EPO clarifies what medical methods are excluded from patent protection
EPO extends its reach in Eastern Europe via a validation agreement with Georgia. Will this trend continue?
EU Blocking Regulation: Why are we talking about it?
EX Novo LTD v MPS Housing LTD
Eco World: Ballymore Embassy Gardens Co Ltd v Dobler UK Ltd
Effective interview techniques: how to get the information you need
Email negotiations: can you be contractually bound by an email?
Employee mental health: is it still top of your agenda?
Employee ownership trust: ten things you need to know
Employee resignations: Common issues
Employee retention and its importance to your business
Employee sickness: How can managers ensure they’re adopting the right approach to leadership?
Employee status ruling could affect “self-employed” individuals
Employees working a second job: what you need to know
Employer insurers may face Employment Tribunal claims
Employer not liable for injuries caused by practical joke
Employment Law: 2023 round up and changes to look out for in 2024
Employment Legislation Update June 2022
Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill to become law
Employment Rights Bill – key takeaways for employers
Employment Tribunal panels: was there apparent bias?
Employment considerations when acquiring a business: the buyer’s perspective
Employment due diligence during the share sale of a company: the seller’s perspective
Employment law update: September 2023
Employment legislation update: Spring 2022
Employment legislation update: Summer 2023
Enduring Powers of Attorney in Northern Ireland: planning for the future
Energy Performance Certificates explained
Enforcement of Deferred Consideration Guarantees: instrument construed as a demand bond
Enforcement of on-demand bond where underlying dispute
Enforcing bad leaver provisions
Engie Fabricom (UK) LTD v MW High Tech Projects UK LTD
Ensuring clients are making decisions in their best interests when creating a will
Equity capital markets reform: where are we now?
Essential Living (Greenwich) Ltd v Elements (Europe) Ltd
Ethical investment and charities
Ethical vegans are protected against discrimination
Euro-PCT applications: claim amendment and other issues
European Patent Office abolishes the ‘10-day rule’
Even the police can be duped: why the risk of pension scams should be flagged to members
Excepted Group Life Policy schemes
Expect quicker claims for inducement
Exploring the key factors and trends impacting the hotels and leisure sector
Exploring the leadership challenges set by your changing context
Extending Redundancy Protection: women and new parents
Extension of the forfeiture moratorium
Extension of time limits
External wall fire safety: first post-Grenfell liability judgement
Extra bank holidays: how might they affect construction contracts?
FCA propose to remove repossession restrictions
FHL owners advised to act before abolition of special tax treatment in April 2025
FTH Ltd v Varis Developments Ltd
FTX collapse – 1 million creditors
Failing to provide written particulars may lead to a financial penalty
Fair treatment of working mums and part-time staff
Family friendly legislation on the way in 2024
Festive focus: How to keep your team on track this holiday season
Fictionalising true stories: the legal risks
Field Systems Designs LTD v MW High Tech Projects UK LTD
Fighting fraud using data analysis
Final account applications: what are the complications?
Finance Bill 2023-24 – the removal of the lifetime allowance
Fire risk remediation: St James’s Oncology v Lendlease judgment
Five key corporate law developments to look out for in 2025
Five lessons all leaders can learn from Jacinda Ardern
Five myths of redundancy
Five myths of resignations
Five points for employers and pension trustees to consider before entering into litigation
Five potential contractual pitfalls subcontractors should avoid
Five top tips for preparing your business for a sale
Five top tips for winning tenders
Five ways to encourage leadership shift
Flaws in employer’s disciplinary process lead to unfair dismissal
Flexidig LTD v M&M Contractors (Europe) LTD
Fly-tipping: legal remedies for private landowners
Flying Freeholds - don't let them go over your head
Former employees may join competitors after just three months
Forthcoming R&D tax relief legislation changes
Foster Care Fortnight: The legal rights of foster carers
Four common mistakes observed when reviewing R&D tax credits claims
Four common questions about forming contracts and enforcing them
Four key areas of leadership awareness
Fraud as a service
Frequently-asked questions about mediation in commercial disputes
From boutique to institution
From prevention to response: charities need a structured approach to fraud
From ‘Wild West’ to stand-out success: How the pensions industry has changed in the past 30 years
Further clarification on remediation contribution orders
Further: Advancing Women in Leadership
Future Fund: the essential Q&A for innovative businesses
Future fit leaders: why failing to manage the mid-to-senior leadership succession gap has become so costly
Future proofing developments: working to net zero emissions by 2050
G & D Brickwork Contractors LTD v Marbank Construction LTD
G1/22 and G2/22: Enlarged Board of Appeal decision on priority entitlement
GAS restructuring plan outcome with HMRC
GDPR: have you paid your data protection fee?
GMP Equalisation: High Court rules past DB transfers must be revisited
GMP Equalisation: the uncertainty continues
GMP equalisation – a decision at last
GMP equalisation: A step closer?
General Product Safety Regulation and exporting to the EU
General average: negligent passage planning can lead to unseaworthiness
General binding rules for small domestic sewage discharges
Genuine redundancy or a set up?
Germany ratifies the Unified Patent Court Agreement
Giving confidential data to the police
Giving witness evidence at trial: what you need to know
Global Switch Estates LTD v Sudlows LTD
Global Talent visas
Good tax planning: explaining ‘section 431’ elections
Gormsen v Meta in the CAT: is Big Tech’s collection of personal data unfair?
Gove intends to make developers pay for the cladding crisis
Government announces plans to reform employment law
Government outlines new powers for the Pensions Regulator
Government review of PSC regime
Government support for an important compulsory purchase reform
Greater Glasgow Health Board v Multiplex Construction Europe LTD
Greater clarity for members on DC transaction costs
Greater penalties for dangerous driving: managing the risks when driving for work
Green leases: an overview of green lease provisions
Grenfell 2 years on... what now?
Grey Swans: managing through multiple uncertainties
Grievances and affirmation of the employment contract
Guarantee not executed as a deed
Guarantee or indemnity - does the name matter?
Guarantors: It’s all in the fine print
HMRC guidance on unauthorised unit trusts
HMRC increase R&D claim scrutiny
HMRC launches disclosure service for overclaimed R&D tax relief
HSE Spot Inspections on the rise: businesses should beware
HSE released Health & Safety statistics for 2019/20 for Great Britain
HSE released Health & Safety statistics for 2020/21 for Great Britain
Hampshire part II... Watch this space
Handling constructive dismissal
Hard choices: planning for possible changes to CGT
Harnessing Patent Box relief for medical device R&D
Has the COVID-19 pandemic had a "material adverse effect"?
Having the facts before you act
Heading in the right direction? A consultation on the transfer of contracted-out benefits
Health, safety, and saving lives: How the construction industry can reduce its fatality rate
Help for directors on their duties and stakeholder interests
Help to Buy practical completion date extended
Helpful tips for anyone new to investing in commercial property
Helping to restore office holder discretion in ‘the Battle of the Brakes’
High Court ruling on disputed forfeiture provision
High-rise residential buildings: registration and the Gateway regime
High-rise residential development & fire safety: the new ‘planning’ requirements
Hive-ups, intra-group loans and distributions
Hochtief Solutions AG v Maspero Elevatori Spa
Holiday pay and accrual in 2024
Holiday pay claims out of time
Holiday pay: 20 frequently asked questions
Homes England attempts to clarify ‘rules’ on new Help to Buy planning conditions
Homeworking is here to stay: are your policies up to date?
Hotel acquisition: share or asset deal?
House deposits and ‘The Bank of Mum and Dad’
How Discretionary are Discretionary Commissions?
How HR can contribute to mergers and acquisitions
How are assets distributed in a company insolvency?
How are creditors’ and sureties’ claims dealt with in an insolvency of the principal?
How can I claim relief on my charitable giving?
How can distressed companies use the Part A1 moratorium?
How can we promote gender equality in the workplace?
How can you minimise bias in your portfolio?
How could Cinderella legally win against her step-mother?
How do non-disclosure agreements work and how effective are they?
How do you assess an individual’s employment status?
How do you identify people with the potential to be your future business leaders?
How do you know if an elderly person has capacity to make a new will?
How does a business operate when a director is absent?
How does being dismissed on the grounds of incapacity affect your pension?
How does the Autumn Budget impact tax-efficient R&D?
How employers can support staff experiencing maternal mental health challenges
How employers can support staff through pregnancy and baby loss
How far is too far in relation to strike out?
How has Brexit impacted bail-in clauses?
How is R&D tax relief calculated?
How is R&D tax relief calculated? Examining the changes from April 2023
How long will it take to get patent?
How many communications can make a protected disclosure?
How mediation can be used to settle disputes in the workplace
How much land remediation relief are you eligible to claim?
How quickly can a European patent be granted?
How reliable is the information provided by Companies House?
How should charities interact with digital assets?
How should crypto influence decision making?
How should employers deal with relationships in the workplace?
How showing your invention to nobody can invalidate your patent
How start-ups can build brand reputation
How sure does an employer have to be of an employee's guilt when dismissing for misconduct?
How the Government’s developer remediation contract will affect developers
How the court can protect your business from vexatious litigants
How the relevance of your leadership framework dictates the success of assessment activities
How the role of a Responsible Person will change from 1 October 2023
How to amend pension scheme rules
How to avoid complications during the termination of employment
How to avoid disputes when implementing a new IT system
How to broaden your leadership pipeline by taking an inclusive approach to identifying future leaders
How to calculate capital allowances in the UK
How to calculate patent box relief
How to challenge your assumptions around human capital
How to conduct a right to work check
How to create the conditions for leader-driven development
How to deal with incidents at a staff Christmas party
How to deal with persistently late employees
How to ensure the assets on your balance sheet are working for you
How to get an 'entire agreement' clause right
How to get the most out of transition coaching
How to get your patent application claims ready for Europe
How to help your grandchildren get onto the property ladder
How to leverage the 70:20:10 rule to turn development plans into actions
How to leverage the 70:20:10 rule: maximising the 70%
How to manage workplace affairs: the Northern Ireland legal perspective
How to not be a shadow director
How to persuade a Judge to allow you to change your claim
How to plan ahead when selling a business
How to prepare a resilient balance sheet for 2021
How to recover pension scheme overpayments
How to remove photos of you from the internet
How to resolve a missing choice of law clause in an international arbitration agreement
How to safeguard your organisation against a GDPR breach
How to simplify carrying out a share buyback
How to support employees who are foster carers
How to support employees who are impacted by Alzheimer’s disease in the workplace
How to survive the war for talent
How to terminate a contract
How to unlock capital from inefficient equity structures
How to unlock tax savings in purpose-built student accommodation and build-to-rent sectors
How to use the Green Channel to accelerate patent protection
How top firms drive value through people
How will Brexit impact health and safety laws?
How will a no-deal Brexit affect your intellectual property rights?
How will net-zero change the way we manage risk?
How will the launch of the Single Financial Guidance Body work?
IFRS 16: do you need to amend your covenants?
IP Advance funding: What you need to know
IR35 win for HMRC: the Stuart Barnes case
ISG construction LTD v Platform Interior Solutions LTD
Identifying leaders of the future
Identifying public interest disclosure in private disputes
If in doubt, sit them out: Why concussion should be part of your sport’s safeguarding framework
If it’s “buyer beware” – should a seller care?
If the (compensation) cap doesn’t fit…
Immigration Rules: a summary of the July 2023 changes
Immigration round-up 2022 and looking ahead to 2023
Immigration rule changes April 2024
Immigration update: February 2022
Immigration update: January 2022
Important water infrastructure changes for developers and housebuilders (FY 2024-25)
Improving decision-making to maximise value creation in private equity
Improving working capital and raising finance
In it for the long haul
Inclusive leadership: A D&I initiative or a fundamental shift for leaders?
Inclusive leadership: advice for HR and business leaders on ethnicity pay gap reporting
Inclusive leadership: how inclusive are you?
Inclusive leadership: how to develop inclusive leadership behaviours
Inclusive leadership: what does it actually look like?
Increased claims scrutiny and the changing R&D tax market
Indemnities: the importance of a clear and accurate legal drafting
Index-linked rent reviews
Industrial Tribunal Judgment: Andrew McDade v Norman Emerson Group Limited
Industrial action in 2023: the key considerations for employers
Initial thoughts on the new Restructuring and Insolvency legislation
Injunction granted to prevent a call on a performance bond
Injunction granted to prevent fire and rehire
Insolvency and performance bonds
Inspecting company registers and the 'proper purpose' test
Instructions to work longer hours gave grounds for a claim
Insurance requirements: Top 10 tips
International Mentoring Day: the importance of a good mentor
International Women’s Day 2023: how have women’s careers changed and what is on the horizon?
International transfers of personal data: are you compliant?
Interpretation and effect of a financial cap on liability
Investing in HMOs: A summary of the law and regulations
Investing in your career during COVID-19
Investor nominee arrangements and the Trust Registration Service
Is a broken funding model stifling the UK’s university spinout sector?
Is a chattel really a chattel?
Is an easement the end of the line?
Is employment legislation about to step back in time?
Is intellectual property strategy relevant to SMEs?
Is it a work of artistic craftsmanship? Implications of the WaterRower case
Is it legal to ban a relative from attending a funeral?
Is it legal to drive in flip flops? and other risks for fleets to manage this summer
Is late entry into the European regional phase possible
Is learning agility the key to future success?
Is your European patent application eligible for a reduction in official fees?
Issues arising with cladding remediation claims
It could be anyone – the psychology behind white-collar fraud
I’ve been excluded from the will, what can I do?
I’ve received a cease and desist letter, what do I do now?
J & B Hopkins LTD v Trant Engineering LTD
J Tomlinson LTD v Balfour Beatty Group LTD
JRT Developments LTD v TW Dixon (Developments) LTD
Job changes might not trigger equal pay time limits
John Doyle Construction LTD v Erith Contractors LTD (2020)
John Doyle Construction v Erith Contractors (2021)
John Graham Construction Ltd v Tecnicas Reunidas UK Ltd
Judicial Review of Building Safety Fund decision: Redrow v DLUHC
Jury service in peak season – what can an employer do?
Keep cool and carry on: Mitigating the risks of retrofitting liquid cooling technologies
Keeping to a budget could justify indirect discrimination
Keeping up with the pace of business
Kew Holdings LTD v Donald Insall Associates LTD
Key considerations for property rent suspension clauses during the pandemic: are they here to stay?
Key considerations for recruiters when strategically using restrictive covenants
Key considerations when buying a property in a corporate wrapper
Key differences between UK and EU trade marks
Key learnings from PGMOL v HMRC
Key points you need to consider when buying at auction
Key rights fixed-term employees can claim
Key tax considerations when investing in the UK
Know your third party patent rights
Land Registry indemnities
Land value capture and compulsory purchase legislation
Landlord and Tenant Act 1954: Green lease renewals and energy expectations
Landlord and tenant: fitting in a fit-out
Landlords should be able to claim super-deduction and SR allowance
Landmark adjudication case has big implications for collateral warranties
Lane End Developments Construction LTD v Kingstone Civil Engineering LTD
Leaders of the future are experts in not knowing
Leadership Potential: how to identify it and use it to improve succession planning
Learning from looking forward
Learning from mistakes, mishaps and failures
Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024
Legal action against Vista Tower freeholders – a warning for industry to “step up”
Legal documents during the Brexit implementation period
Legal opinions: why are they important?
Legality of electronic signatures confirmed
Legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 9th October
Letters of indemnity and the charterers’ obligation to provide security to release vessel from arrest
Letters of intent: enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision and lack of jurisdiction
Levelling up a Connected North: what does this mean for telecoms?
Liaising with law enforcement agencies
Limiting compensation payments may be discriminatory
Linking payment conditions to invoices
Liquidated Damages and Termination - Clarity from the Court of Appeal
Liquidated damages and termination: the final word from the Supreme Court
Liquidated damages: are they still payable without contractual apportionment for partial possession?
Liverpool City Council v Vital Infrastructure Asset Management (Viam) Ltd
London arbitration agreement was governed by English law and could be enforced by anti-suit injunction
Long COVID recognised as a disability: what this means for the workplace
Long term creditors: converting liabilities to equity
Long term creditors: the benefits of informal creditor arrangements
Looking back on 2020: reflections from Kiddy’s managing partners
Looking back to move forwards: A guide to effective leadership reflection and development planning
Loose connection with disability was sufficient to bring a claim
Losing capacity whilst working
MEES Regulations from 1 April 2023: the next chapter for commercial landlords
MW High tech projects UK LTD v Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick LTD
Making allegations clear for a protected act
Making mediation work for you
Making the most of tax incentives in the industrial and logistics sector
Managing FCA investigations: A guide to processes and procedures
Managing employee productivity over the summer
Managing internal investigations remotely
Managing workplace conflicts
Mandating a full-time return to the office could be counter-productive
Manifest error: how obvious must it be?
Mansion House – reform of the pensions sector
Marbank Construction LTD v G & D Brickwork Contractors LTD
Marking a document "subject to contract", does it mean the whole document?
Material information in property listings: Why it matters to developers
McLaren Construction (London) LTD v Greyhound Investing Corporation
Member’s rights against their union
Menopause in the UAE: legal protections and employer responsibilities
Millchris Developments LTD V Waters
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards: Anticipating changes in NI and exploring available tax relief for landlords
Misconduct or health issue?
Modifying restrictive covenants: what the Upper Tribunal will look at
More changes to the BSA affecting Gateway 2
More than a SLAPP on the wrist: are the days of using legal teams to silence critics numbered?
More than just numbers – businesses must do their ESG checks when investing internationally
Motacus Constructions LTD v Paolo Castelli Spa
Mother’s Day: supporting employees
Must a business be insolvent to enter a CVA?
NSIA risks on banking transactions: an update
National Apprenticeship Week: What to consider when employing apprentices
National Fertility Awareness Week: Let’s focus on line managers
National Inclusion Week: How to create an inclusive workplace
National Security Investment the first two months: 10 lessons learned
Natural nuisances: key case review
Nature-related risks and directors’ duties
Navigating tensions in mergers and acquisitions
Navigating the complicated world of FCA regulations
Navigating trade marks for influencers
Need to appeal a Stop Notice? Better not breach it
Neighbours and nuisance claims
Neonatal Care Leave: Parents to receive day one right to leave and pay
Net Assets: Advantages and pitfalls of buying insolvent businesses
Net Assets: how 'pre-pack administrations' can save your business
Net Assets: what the new restructuring regime means for your business
Neurodiversity Celebration Week: supporting neurodiversity in the workplace
New Code of Practice on ‘fire and rehire’
New DB funding code of practice: key points of the second consultation
New Homes Quality Board (NHQB) case study: the provision of affordable housing information
New Homes Quality Board (NHQB): key case study takeaways for developers
New Homes Quality Board case study: Change in completion window
New Homes Quality Board case study: Delayed moving in date due to outstanding snagging issues
New Homes Quality Board case study: Information provided concerning streetlight positioning
New Homes Quality Board case study: Pressure to complete purchase
New Homes Quality Board case study: Sanitaryware not as described on specification
New Homes Quality Board case study: proximity of adjacent properties
New Homes Quality Board guidelines: What is a snagging defect?
New JCT 2024 Edition Design and Build Contract
New QCA research report on the role of NEDs in growth companies
New RICS code 2020 for leasing business premise
New Standards for Professional Trustees
New Whyte Review stresses profound impact of culture within sporting organisations
New agency workers entitled to key information
New cap on public sector exit payments
New connections and car vehicle charging points
New duty for employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment
New growth funding for high growth businesses within the CPCA
New guidance for menopause in the workplace: what should employers be doing?
New powers to review or block deals on national security grounds
New right to bereavement leave from April
New tax incentives for hotel owners and operators
New transfer value regulations and Regulator guidance to protect pension members from scammers – act now
New utilities connections: A guide to choosing a provider
Newell Trustees case: Consideration of amendment power proviso
News reports and open Justice
Nicholas James Care Homes Ltd v Liberty Homes (Kent) Ltd
No Win No Fee arrangements in Inheritance Disputes
No automatic right to additional compensation
No backdating jurisdiction
No clawing back HS2 costs through regeneration opportunities
No compensation for an unfair dismissal?
No debt without a debtor
No minimum wage entitlement for sleeping shifts
No reduction for two compensatory awards
Not a bartering tool: discharging restrictive covenants
Not milk? How food labelling regulations may affect UK trade mark registrations
Not-for-profit case law update
OD Developments & Projects LTD v Oak Dry Lining LTD
One Savings Bank Plc v Catherine Waller-Edwards – undue influence in a “hybrid” case
Online Safety Bill
Operational consolidation: the future of DB pension schemes
Options to consider before making redundancies
Ordering disclosure by a party outside Great Britain
Organisational and operational restructuring - a clear guide
Our approach to identifying ‘future fit’ leaders
Out of hours emails: out of office are they out of order?
Out of office messages: I am on holiday...over and out
Overpaid pensions and members rights - what does case law say?
Overseas entities registration: the deadline approaches
Overview of the New Homes Quality Code (NHQC)
P&O Ferries directors: should they be fined?
PBS Energo AS v Bester Generacion UK LTD
PISCES: A new share trading platform for “private” companies
Parent Mental Health Day: supporting employees with parental and caring responsibilities
Part Time v Full Time – is my pension affected?
Part-time status or shorter hours?
Patent Box: an underutilised scheme
Patent Term Extension in the UK post Brexit
Patentability of plants and animal products at the EPO
Paying by crypto: Should organisations accept digital currencies?
Pension Insight: weeks ended 9 & 16 December
Pension Schemes Act 2021: new Powers for the Pensions Regulator
Pension Schemes Bill receives Royal Assent
Pension Schemes Bill update
Pension scheme members’ decision making: what does informed choice look like?
Pension scheme trustees: what you need to know about investments and ESG
Pension schemes: is retrospective equalisation possible?
Pensions Insight – weeks ended 29 July & 5 August 2022
Pensions Insight – weeks ended 8 & 15 July 2022
Pensions Insight: 10 to 17 July 2023
Pensions Insight: 11 December 2023 to 2 January 2024
Pensions Insight: 11 to 18 March 2024
Pensions Insight: 11 to 18 September 2023
Pensions Insight: 12 to 19 February 2024
Pensions Insight: 12 to 19 June 2023
Pensions Insight: 13 March to 20 March 2023
Pensions Insight: 13 to 17 November 2023
Pensions Insight: 13 to 27 February 2023
Pensions Insight: 14 to 28 May 2024
Pensions Insight: 15 August to 4 September 2023
Pensions Insight: 15 July to 22 July 2024
Pensions Insight: 15 to 21 October 2024
Pensions Insight: 15 to 22 May 2023
Pensions Insight: 16 January to 3 February 2023
Pensions Insight: 16 to 23 October 2023
Pensions Insight: 17 April to 23 April 2023
Pensions Insight: 17 to 31 July 2023
Pensions Insight: 18 September to 2 October 2023
Pensions Insight: 18 to 25 June 2024
Pensions Insight: 18 to 25 March 2024
Pensions Insight: 18 to 25 November 2024
Pensions Insight: 19 to 26 February 2024
Pensions Insight: 19 to 26 June 2023
Pensions Insight: 2 December 2024 to 6 January 2025
Pensions Insight: 2 to 8 April 2024
Pensions Insight: 20 March to 27 March 2023
Pensions Insight: 20 November to 4 December 2023
Pensions Insight: 21 to 28 October 2024
Pensions Insight: 22 July to 29 July 2024
Pensions Insight: 22 to 29 April 2024
Pensions Insight: 22 to 30 May 2023
Pensions Insight: 23 April to 8 May 2023
Pensions Insight: 23 October to 6 November 2023
Pensions Insight: 23 September to 7 October 2024
Pensions Insight: 25 June to 8 July 2024
Pensions Insight: 25 November to 2 December 2024
Pensions Insight: 26 June to 3 July 2023
Pensions Insight: 26 March to 2 April 2024
Pensions Insight: 27 January to 10 February 2025
Pensions Insight: 27 March to 3 April 2023
Pensions Insight: 28 February to 6 March 2023
Pensions Insight: 28 May to 3 June 2024
Pensions Insight: 28 October to 4 November 2024
Pensions Insight: 29 January to 12 February 2024
Pensions Insight: 29 July to 5 August 2024
Pensions Insight: 3 April to 17 April 2023
Pensions Insight: 3 January to 29 January 2024
Pensions Insight: 3 to 17 June 2024
Pensions Insight: 30 April to 7 May 2024
Pensions Insight: 30 May to 5 June 2023
Pensions Insight: 31 July to 7 August 2023
Pensions Insight: 4 December to 11 December 2023
Pensions Insight: 4 to 10 July 2023
Pensions Insight: 4 to 11 March 2024
Pensions Insight: 4 to 11 September 2023
Pensions Insight: 5 to 12 June 2023
Pensions Insight: 5 to 19 August 2024
Pensions Insight: 6 February to 13 February 2023
Pensions Insight: 6 March to 13 March 2023
Pensions Insight: 6 November to 13 November 2023
Pensions Insight: 6 to 27 January 2025
Pensions Insight: 7 August to 14 August 2023
Pensions Insight: 7 to 13 May 2024
Pensions Insight: 7 to 15 October 2024
Pensions Insight: 8 July to 15 July 2024
Pensions Insight: 8 to 22 April 2024
Pensions Insight: 9 May to 15 May 2023
Pensions Insight: 9 to 23 September 2024
Pensions Insight: August 2022
Pensions Insight: August to September 2024
Pensions Insight: Week ended 22 July 2022
Pensions Insight: covering 19 December 2022 to 16 January 2023
Pensions Insight: week ended 13 May 2022
Pensions Insight: week ended 17 June 2022
Pensions Insight: week ended 18 November 2022
Pensions Insight: week ended 2 December 2022
Pensions Insight: week ended 25 March 2022
Pensions Insight: week ended 25 November 2022
Pensions Insight: week ending 14 October 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ended 10 & 17 June 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ended 20 & 27 May & 3 June 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ended 27 June & 1 July 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ended 29 April and 6 May 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ending 16 & 23 September 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ending 21 & 28 October 2022
Pensions Insight: weeks ending 30 September & 7 October 2022
Pensions Regulator consults on single code of practice
Pensions in 2023: key developments to be aware of
Pensions insight: 2 to 16 October 2023
Pensions insight: 4 to 18 November 2024
Pensions insight: week ended 04 March 2022
Pensions insight: week ended 1 April 2022
Pensions insight: week ended 15 & 22 April 2022
Pensions insight: week ended 8 April 2022
Pensions insight: weeks ended 11 & 18 March 2022
Pensions insight: weeks ending 4 & 11 November 2022
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments over the last four weeks and week ended 16 July 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 1 October
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 10 December
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 10 September 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 11 June 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 11 December 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 12 March 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 12 November
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 12th February 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 13 August 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 13th November 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 14 & 21 January
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 14 May 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 15 October
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 15th January 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 16 April 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 16th October 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 17 September 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 18 June 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 19 March 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 19 November
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 19th February 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 2 April 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 20th November 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 21 May 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 22 October
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 22nd January 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 23 April 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 23 July
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 23rd October 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 24 September 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 26 March 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 26 November
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 26th February 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 27 August
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 27 November 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 28 May 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 29 October
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 29th January 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 3 December
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 3 September 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 30 April 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 30 July 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 30th October 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 4 December 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 4 June 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 5 March 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 5 November
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 5th February 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 6 August 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 6th November 2020
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 7 May 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 8 October
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 8th January 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: the latest developments week ended 9 April 2021
Pensions legislation and case law update: week ended 11 February 2022
Pensions legislation and case law update: weeks ended 18 & 25 February 2022
Pensions legislation and case law update: weeks ended 28 January & 4 February
Pensions: what to expect in 2022
Personal Guarantee effect of insolvency proceedings overseas
Planning obligations: planning through the pandemic
Plastic Packaging Tax: due diligence to avoid unexpected liability
Platform Interior Solutions LTD v ISG Construction LTD
Plausibility at the EPO
Poor working conditions costing £20.7bn, and other key takeaways from the HSE’s latest statistics
Post termination restrictions set during probation
Post-election employment law changes - what will Labour do?
Post-filed data at the EPO
Post-termination restrictions and shares
Powering developments to support a cleaner environment
Powers of attorney: the requirements for a deed
Prater LTD v John Sisk & Son (Holdings) LTD
Pre-packaged sales in company administrations
Preparing for the Pensions Regulator's new code of practice
Preventing construction disputes through correct planning programmes
Preventing sexual harassment: Equality and Human Rights Commission guidance consultation
Pride: the past, present and future
Procurement experts: running out of time?
Progress in transgender rights and employment law
Project policies: the importance of contractual terms
Pronouns: how to get it right in the workplace
Proposals to ban corporate directors
Proposed deferral of DAC6 is not an exemption from duty to report
Proposed reform to pre-pack sales in administration
Pros and cons of using the European patent application system
Protecting foreign seated arbitrations: UniCredit and the draft Arbitration Bill
Protecting yourself if you are an Executor or Administrator of an Estate
Protections strengthened for guarantors of SMEs
Proving reputational harm in Northern Ireland
Public Procurement – A new way to avoid the regulations?
Public open space: Risks for developers
Public sector exit pay cap revoked
QCA research report on corporate governance on AIM
Qatar case sheds light on how national laws interact with the URDG
Quadro Services LTD v Creagh Concrete Products LTD
Quinn (London) Ltd v HMRC: R&D tax relief decision
R&D Tax Credit Scheme and the Chancellor’s Budget
R&D tax relief scheme changes
RHP Merchants and Construction Ltd v Treforest Property Company Ltd
RICS issue updated guidance on the EWS1 certification
RPI or CPI – how to calculate pension increases
Ramadan: fasting and other considerations for employers to be aware of
Re KRF Services (UK) Ltd – can sole directors act in accordance with the Model Articles?
Re-assess your talent: redeployment rather than redundancy
Re-employment: is that going to work?
Re-engagement not appropriate where the employer has lost trust in the employee
Reaching agreements with creditors: statutory compromises
Real estate structuring options
Reasonable endeavours: when a lack of funding is no excuse
Recent changes to The UK Online Trusts Registration Service
Recovering overpayments in construction contracts
Rectifying mistakes in a Collective Agreement
Reducing transfer value quotes in an underfunded scheme: trustee considerations
Redundancy selection procedures
Redundancy series: Employee representatives
Redundancy series: How to consult during a redundancy process
Redundancy series: How to treat those on leave during redundancy process
Redundancy series: Numbers at risk
Redundancy series: Questions on suitable alternative roles in redundancy process
Redundancy series: Questions regarding who and when to consult
Redundancy series: The election process
Redundancy: Getting it right
Redundancy: managers and administrators risk criminal liability
Refuse to mediate? Don't be surprised by the consequences!
Regulatory reminder of basic trustee duties
Reinstating the hierarchy of HMRC
Reinsurance treaty dispute: Where and how should it be resolved?
Relief for employers over taxing question
Repeat of ACAS Early Conciliation didn’t extend time limit for claim
Repudiatory breach sinks ships
Reputation Management: a mantle for all seasons
Reputation management for retailers: Key considerations for 2024 and beyond
Requirements for the PSC regime
Research and conflicts of interest
Research reveals falling in love with management can send investments off track
Research, development and negligence: Next steps as HMRC scrutiny intensifies
Reservation of Rights Letters: what decisions need to be made?
Reserved matters approvals: the varying conditions
Respecting the authority: when can an employee bind their company?
Restricting the right to bring proceedings
Restrictive covenants: protecting the most valuable assets of a business
Return to work: Guidance for Employers and Hybrid Working
Returning to work after having a child: How to welcome employees back
Reviewing the way that new build properties are marketed and sold
Reviewing your long-term sickness policy
Revised QCA Corporate Governance Code
Rewrite history anyone?
Right to vary terms did not prevent constructive dismissal claim
Right to work checks: key developments and actions for employers
Ring doorbells and data rights
Robot tax will not reward first movers
Rochford Construction LTD v Kilhan Construction LTD
Russian sanctions and contract termination
SDLT and the hold over headache
SDLT: the problems with carrying out transactions below market value
SMEs should not be put off by changes to the R&D tax scheme
Safeguarding at summer camps
Safeguarding children and adults in sport
Safeguarding in sport: why it is so important
Safeguarding into 2022
Safeguarding investigations: what coaches need to know
Safeguarding: is your organisation ready for mandatory reporting?
Sanctions, Brexit and the Blocking Regulation: what's changed?
Scam crypto ads: beware of celebrity endorsements
School’s out – but what about the parents?
Scope of the Braganza duty in the spotlight
Secret monitoring may not be ground for dismissal
Secrets, lies and the complex world of defamation claims
Section 30(1)(g) applications: a warning to all landlords
Seeking an alternative to redundancy doesn’t include placing employee on a casual staff bank
Selling a group of companies - what is the ideal tax position for a UK resident seller?
Settlements and information and consultation obligations
Shareholder funds: when can a company declare a dividend?
Sheldon QC report: A year on
Short term creditors: how to access funding
Should an employee leave after blowing the whistle?
Should employees be fined for being late?
Should laws be rewritten to extend protection for striking employees?
Should there be stricter reporting to tackle modern slavery?
Should we be scared of January?
Signing documents in counterpart: what is required?
Sink or swim: now is the time for strategic change & innovation
SkyKick UK Ltd v Sky Ltd: The sky might not be the limit
Smart contracts: what can we expect looking forward?
Sony’s “game is up” as Competition Appeal Tribunal cements ‘claimant-friendly’ status
Sovereign immunity and investment arbitration: The UK Court of Appeal’s ruling on ICSID awards
Split contracts following transfer
Sporting rights: the implications over potential development land
Spotlight on Management Companies and HTB2
Spray foam insulation: exploring the real costs and implications for homeowners
Spring Budget 2021: key takeaways for landlords
Spring Budget 2023: What are the pensions-related Budget measures?
Stamp Duty Land Tax on corporate acquisitions – a worrying trend?
Standalone claim against Apple has realistic prospect of success
Statutory employment rights: do they apply where no work obligations exist
Statutory health and safety protections should extend to workers
Staycation, staycation, taxation
Steps to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace need to be complemented by ongoing auditing
Steve Ward Services (UK) Ltd v Davies & Davies Associates Ltd
Still puzzling over the PSC Register? Take a look at the 5 conditions which must be satisfied
Stocker v Stocker – The importance of context in social media defamation cases
Stopping the clock of testamentary freedom
Substitution and employment status
Successful litigants must apply for immediate assessment of costs after an interlocutory appeal
Succession planning: what's the current state of play with the 9-box grid?
Summer holidays: considerations for employers
Supplementary protection for medicinal products in the UK
Supply chain issues and force majeure clauses
Supreme Court agrees that employees can claim for historic underpayments of holiday pay
Supreme Court decides AI machine cannot be named as inventor
Supreme Court decides Uber cabbie’s employment status
Supreme Court decision on limitation for liquidator claims
Sureties beware: caution when releasing an indemnitor
Surrogacy in the workplace: how to support employees
TCC judgment on limitation and continuing duties for consultants
TCC reaffirms guidance on effectively challenging an adjudicator’s decision
TCC’s approach to Part 8 claims that are not adjudication enforcement
TPO analyses defences to trustees’ claim for recoupment of overpaid pension benefits
TPO finds employer breached its contractual promise to provide ‘mirror benefits’ following a transfer
TPR consults on statement of strategy needed under the new funding and investment regulations
TPR final draft funding code laid before Parliament: key points to note
TPR publishes interim response to statement of strategy consultation and updated templates
TPR publishes revised defined benefit covenant guidance
TPR’s final code of practice is published: is your scheme prepared?
TUPE and Service Provision Changes: key considerations
TUPE consultation: changing terms and conditions in an insolvency situation
TUPE or not to TUPE: service provision changes
TUPE: commonly asked questions
TUPE: what if the business is in administration?
TUPE: what is it?
Tackling cyberbullying amongst home workers
Takeover Code Consultation: the offer timetable and conditions to offers
Talent management in unpredictable times: how do HR & Talent professionals adapt?
Tax changes for non-UK residents who own commercial property
Tax implications of discrimination settlements
Taxation on discounts provided to employees
Taxi drivers and employment status
Telecoms decision: £50 compensation and £1,000 consideration for a rooftop mast
Telecoms valuations: three years post-code and the Upper Tribunal endorses a specific approach
Tetronics: seeking to injunct fraudulent calls on on-demand bonds
The 'F' word (...fraud, of course!)
The 10 most valuable criteria to look for in leadership stretch opportunities
The 4 critical ingredients needed to make coaching work
The Autumn Budget explained
The Building Safety Act 2022: Government publishes draft regulations for the Responsible Actors Scheme
The Building Safety Bill: what housebuilders need to know
The Building Safety Levy: a consultation
The CGT and UK corporation tax consequences of “de-enveloping” UK real estate
The Charity Commission and its use of official warnings
The Christmas peak for annual leave requests: how to manage it fairly
The Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill: FAQs answered
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020: implications for pension schemes
The DWP consultation on the draft funding and investment regulations
The Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 – a halfway house?
The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022
The Employment Tribunal's task is to find the real reason for dismissal
The Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners v Mclaughlin & Harvey LTD
The Good Work Plan: New worker rights announced by the Government
The Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill receives Royal Assent: March 2022 update
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act: how far do the new disclosure requirements go?
The National Security and Investment Act 2021 and its implications for banks and lenders
The Office of Tax Simplification consulted on the tax relief for tangible fixed assets using accounts depreciation: here is our response
The PPF’s response to the DWP’s consultation on defined benefit options
The Patent Box scheme in engineering and manufacturing
The Pension Regulator publishes its Annual Funding Statement 2021
The Pensions Regulator's annual funding statement 2019
The Pensions Regulator: Boxing Clever
The Pensions Regulator’s Annual Funding Statement 2022
The Pensions Regulator’s Annual Funding Statement 2024
The Pensions Regulator’s annual funding statement 2023: key messages for trustees
The Renter’s (Reform) Bill 2023: Understanding the proposed changes
The Spring Budget 2023: Changes to the R&D tax credits scheme
The Trust Registration Service: How the new legislation affects property transactions
The UK Supreme Court reaffirms a strict approach to sufficiency
The UK immigration system: options for overseas companies and entrepreneurs
The UPC and Unitary Patent explained
The advantages of claiming antitrust damages in England and Wales
The changes to non-UK resident landlord taxation explained
The complexities of wills: why seeking professional advice is so important
The complications when infringing copyright in an architect’s drawings
The consequences of failing to comply with novation
The cost of business rates in industrial buildings
The dangers of an Environment Agency inspection
The dangers of the “virtual” Christmas party
The demand for compulsory purchase experts post COVID-19
The departure of the UK from the EU: considerations for pension schemes
The difference between a deed and a ‘simple contract’
The differences between an indemnity and a guarantee, and the meaning of the words “without deduction or set off”
The disappearing dismissal
The electric vehicle charge point market
The enforceability of restrictive covenants on land
The extension to the Building Safety Fund: counting the cost of cladding remediation
The extent of an adopted highway
The five key capabilities leaders need in 2022
The five steps to a successful R&D tax credit claim submission
The four biggest myths about leadership potential
The frozen pension scheme question – can we let it go?
The implied duty of good faith
The importance of a good expenses policy
The importance of compliant warranty claim notices
The importance of document preservation in litigation
The importance of impartiality in workplace investigations
The importance of properly held board meetings
The importance of risk assessments
The importance of safeguarding in adult social care
The importance of time: Elements (Europe) Ltd v FK Building Ltd
The importance of trading with a ‘legally correct’ company name
The investor as leader
The job interviewer: top tips
The latest R&D tax credits news: changes, confusion and controversy
The laws applicable to guarantees: a recent case
The leader as a coach
The litigation landscape post pandemic
The litigation landscape post pandemic: payment of bills and set off
The litigation landscape post pandemic: restrictive covenants and confidentiality
The litigation landscape post pandemic: share purchase agreements and warranty claims
The litigation landscape post pandemic: technology disputes and IT contracts
The mixed effect of donor behaviour on charities
The new Charities Act: what you need to know
The new Register of Overseas Entities: headlines for lenders
The new VAT reverse charge: how will it impact banks and funders?
The new register of overseas entities: key points for lenders
The next step in fire and cladding has emerged from the Government
The pass-on defence: difficulties of determination
The pitfalls of not getting the contract right
The power of administrators to auction off a company's interest in a legal claim
The power of pause and self-reflection in building connection
The progress of employment rights for the LGBTQ+ community
The promising leadership shifts ignited by a global crisis
The property market and climate change: an overview of key changes
The pros and cons of drag along rights
The recovery of losses restricted by inadequate disclosure
The repercussions of the R&D tax credit scheme changes for UK SME innovation
The requirement for septic tanks in England is changing
The requirements for the termination of a construction contract
The revised Consumer Code for Home Builders from 1 January 2024
The risks associated with undocumented oral agreements
The risks of purchasing property portfolios through company acquisitions
The significance of commercial benefit when granting a guarantee
The summer peak for annual leave requests
The tax consequences of increasing pension commencement lump sums out of time
The top 5 ways investment in L&D is wasted
The trustee agenda: Spring 2022 update
The trustee agenda: a look back at recent developments
The trustee agenda: key developments from July 2023 onwards
The trustee agenda: key developments from May 2023 onwards
The trustee agenda: key developments so far in 2023
The trustee agenda: recent developments & looking ahead
The value of IP to engineering and manufacturing businesses
The value of having a US patent
The work at height regulations: a quick refresher
The year ahead in banking and finance
There’s life in the old dog – the pitfalls of rentcharges
There’s method(ology) in the madness: expert methodology in CAT collective actions
Thinking of patenting your innovation?
Third party harassment and the responsibilities on employers in the hotel sector
Third time still unlucky – Barnardo’s trustees must retain RPI
Three challenges to consider when appointing leaders to new roles or responsibilities
Three key recommendations for female leaders aspiring to senior leadership roles
Three ways HR can ensure the business is set up for success
Time bar clauses in charterparties
Time limit for claim started when new contract imposed
Time limits apply to claims for backdated holiday pay
Time to Talk Day: Breaking the mental health stigma in the workplace
Tips for libel litigants in the wake of the Vardy v Rooney case
To have potential, our future leaders must be curious
Too soon to say? Reflections on the Defamation Act (NI) 2022 Review
Top 10 employer mistakes when paying National Minimum Wage
Top 5 tips on intellectual property protection for medical devices
Top tips for dealing with cross-border estates
Top tips for making claims against a professional adviser
Top tips for making successful senior appointments
Top tips for parents in sport
Top tips for safeguarding in sport
Top tips for successful monetisation of digital asset claims
Top tips on lending to a Limited Liability Partnership
Top tips on protecting your capital allowances from the outset
Top tips to recovering for remedial works
Top tips: intercreditor arrangements
Toppan Holdings LTD v Simply Construct (UK) LLP
Trade mark opposition process: key differences between the UK and EU
Trade unions and charities: is recognition the new norm?
Transform Schools (North Lanarkshire) LTD v Balfour Beatty Construction LTD
Transparency of ownership of UK Real Estate
Transport for Greater Manchester v Kier Construction LTD
Trends in fraud
Tribunal reconsidered on its own motion despite submissions suggesting that they should
Two ways to ensure leadership impact in an increasingly turbulent world
Two years of safeguarding scrutiny in sport: what does it mean for 2023?
UAE unemployment insurance – what do you need to know?
UK Disability History Month: The history of disability in the workplace
UK Government plans to improve compliance of R&D tax relief
UK IPO processivity 2022
UK M&A market outlook
UK Patent Box: A scheme to enhance tax efficiency for innovative companies
UK Supreme Court narrows the reflective loss principle - Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd [2020] UKSC 31
UK tax issues flowing from UK property acquisitions
UK taxation of cryptocurrencies: a summary of the Dec 2021 position
UKSA's RPI reform will go ahead from 2030 with no compensation for index-linked gilt holders
UPDATE: Pensions Regulator consults on the new Pension Schemes Act 2021 criminal powers
Uber’s employment status lifeline
Unanimous shareholder consent: is it a cure for all transgressions?
Unauthorised collective investment schemes: reform needed
Uncovering capital allowances at the beginning of a property acquisition
Under what circumstances can a court remove the executor of a will?
Understanding Heads of Terms: Key considerations for the leasing of commercial property
Understanding restrictive covenants in employment contracts
Understanding sale agreements: full title guarantee
Understanding the differences between 'absolute veto' and 'limited discretionary power'
Understanding the significance of oral clauses in surety agreements
Understanding what R&D activities qualify for tax purposes
Understanding ‘rectification’ in a share purchase agreement
Uninsured income protection benefits
Unlimited fines and the fight against knife crime: What it means for retailers
Unlimited fines for breach of fire safety regulations
Unlocking potential: how to develop people using a leadership framework
Unlocking the office: top tips for returning to the workplace
Unpaid invoices – what to do if a customer cannot or will not pay
Unwelcome safety measures still protected
Updated guidance on the new tribunal process
Use-limited product claims in Europe
Useful tips on giving notice of a general meeting
Using the European patent application system
VAT on Termination Sums and Liquidated Damages: HMRC Guidance Update #2
VAT on termination sums and liquidated damages: HMRC guidance update
Vacancy must be suitable for reasonable adjustment
Van Oord UK Ltd v Dragados UK Ltd
Virgin Media case: Alterations to both past and future service
Virtual assessments: the value and the risks
Virtual learning and development: considerations for enhancing engagement
Vodafone-Three merger: How can local authorities reap the benefits for driving smart city digital initiatives?
Voting at company meetings
WRW Construction LTD v Datblygau Davies Developments LTD
Walls have ears: covert recording and admissible evidence
Warranty claims – buyers beware!
Was a guarantee payable on demand or was the guarantor only required to pay if the contractor had a liability to the pursuer?
Was a redundancy claim in time?
Was collection of union ‘subs’ a contractual requirement?
Was maternity allowance error sex discrimination?
Welcome to your usual quarters
Were employee’s complaints the reason for dismissal?
What are overage payments and when are they triggered?
What are overheads?
What are the VAT implications of lease variations?
What are the differences between US and UK acquisitions?
What are the implications of overhead diversions?
What are the options for an insolvent business?
What are the specific requirements for 'a deed'?
What are the three main categories of contingent asset?
What are ‘Replies to Pre-Contract Enquiries’ in Northern Irish conveyancing?
What can we expect from the new Procurement Bill?
What constitutes “Qualifying Debt” under the Debt Respite Scheme?
What could a Labour government mean for capital investment projects and growth?
What countries are covered by a European patent application?
What do corporation tax loss relief and interest restrictions mean for property companies and wider business?
What do you call some grand masters of chess discussing their achievements in a hotel lobby?
What does G1/19 mean for patenting computer simulations in Europe?
What does the 2022 Spring Statement mean for R&D tax credits and capital allowances?
What does the Drayton Manor Park sentencing decision mean for insolvency practitioners?
What does ‘cash free’ and ‘debt free’ actually mean?
What factors affect costs upon entry into the European regional phase?
What happens if there is an overpayment on a performance bond?
What is Passover and how can you support Jewish employees during the festival?
What is R&D in the construction industry?
What is R&D in the engineering industry?
What is R&D in the manufacturing industry?
What is a Beddoe Order and why might I need one?
What is a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)?
What is a Growth Mindset and how can you develop one?
What is a wayleave?
What is company administration?
What is meant by vacant possession?
What is the State Pension Age and how will it change?
What is the effect of a bond settlement agreement in relation to claims between employers and contractors?
What is the extent of the temporary binding effect of an adjudicator’s decision?
What is the right of first refusal?
What is ‘mini umbrella company fraud’ and what are the dangers?
What leaders need to consider when working in a hybrid world
What leadership style can we expect from Joe Biden?
What lessons can be learnt from one of Northern Ireland’s biggest whistleblowing cases?
What penalties are applicable to UAE onshore or mainland LLC companies?
What restrictions are there on an employer’s ability to impose new T&Cs on employees?
What role should HR play in safeguarding?
What should a business do when an unexpected circumstance occurs?
What should pension schemes be considering in the present economic environment?
What the EPO description amendments mean for patent applicants
What the King’s speech will mean for employers and employees
What to consider when appointing a company director
What to do when your reputation is under attack
What to expect from a limited partnership reform
What to include in an R&D technical report
What to think about as a buyer when obtaining property searches
What will the upcoming extension of fixed recoverable costs mean for disputes?
What's coming up in corporate in 2021?
WhatsApp in the workplace: 5 top tips
WhatsApp messages and the right to privacy
What’s so important about Heads of Terms?
What’s the difference between best endeavours and reasonable endeavours?
When and how can an individual make a claim for data breaches?
When can a company recover its goods under a retention of title clause?
When can a director be personally liable for a company’s debts?
When can a landowner's redevelopment plans defeat Electronic Communications Code rights?
When can you deduct expenses in the run-up to a share sale?
When client hospitality goes too far
When do changes to a company’s articles take effect?
When does crisis management cross the legal line?
When insolvency may not be a bar to adjudication enforcement
When is a bank holiday not a bank holiday? Calculating the periods of days in adjudications
When is a collateral warranty not a construction contract?
When is a lender required to release its security?
When is a secret, secret?
When is software development considered a research and development activity?
When is “close of business”?
When should directors decide to trade through financial difficulties?
When surrendering doesn’t signal the end
When the polluter must pay!
Where has all the talent gone?
Where next for HMRC? Breakthrough for mid-market restructuring plans
Where next for the work revolution?
Which costs can you claim for as part of an R&D tax credits claim?
Which streaming giants have recently been targeted under GDPR?
Who do I need to consult with when I want to change employees’ T&Cs?
Who to consult with in a large-scale contractual variation
Whose technology is it anyway?
Why adaptability is a critical capability for future leadership
Why assessment data is a powerful tool for leaders of leaders
Why can’t independent legal advice be given digitally?
Why every workplace needs a safe approach to traffic management
Why is safeguarding important for HR professionals?
Why is the construction sector not claiming R&D tax credits?
Why leaders must learn to move forwards without all the answers
Why micro-learning is not the only answer to your leadership development challenge
Why remote working makes enforceable restrictive covenants more important than ever
Why should your organisation care about connection?
Why the news on Azeem Rafiq and Yorkshire CCC is so important for businesses
Why thorough due diligence is important for commercial property investors
Why would a company buy back shares?
Why would you want to give to charity?
Why you can’t rely on past experience to identify the successful leaders of the future
Why your future leaders need to have drive, and how to identify it
Why your risk management strategy should include litigation funding
Whyte Report released – what it means for safeguarding in sport
Will a recent case in the Court of Appeal erode the right to silence?
Will a resignation become a dismissal if payment in lieu of notice is used?
Will e-signatures be the new normal?
Will new immigration plan price out some businesses from recruiting overseas?
Will part-timers’ pensions be backdated?
Will product safety proposals close the legislative gap between high-street and online retailers?
Will purpose trump profit in the new normal?
Will the new Government secure growth for university spinouts beyond the Golden Triangle?
Will your R&D claim be under scrutiny?
Window for paying SDLT reduced to 14 days
Without prejudice and protected conversations. What’s the difference and how are they useful?
Workers labelled “self-employed” could have part time working rights
Working from home: employer’s health and safety obligations
Working with trade unions to avoid strikes still the best course of action
World Braille Day: how to support blind or visually impaired employees
World Youth Skills Day 2024
Written statement of employment particulars
You gotta fight for your right…well register it at least
‘Boomers’ to ‘zoomers’: the turning tide of the pensions industry
‘Hybrid’ office work guidance
‘Skating on thin ice’ – Court of Appeal rules that contractor can terminate for repeated late payment
‘The Dark Side of Ballet Schools’: An all-too-familiar tale of toxic cultures and safeguarding failures
“What seems to be the problem?” – exploring the impact of police involvement in internal workplace issues
Is determination of a 'true value' a finding of the 'notified sum'?
Banking & finance insights
Commercial & technology insights
Construction insights
Corporate insights
Dispute resolution insights
Employment law insights
Insurance insights
Intellectual property insights
International recoveries insights
Leadership & development insights
Market announcements
A Sports Day fundraiser supports local foodbank
A midnight walk for a great cause
A spook-tacular cocktail evening
A trio of new trainee solicitors for Gateley Legal NI
Adamson Jones clients enter running for prestigious Earthshot Prize
Adopting the Halo Code to end hair discrimination
Alzheimer’s Research UK – our new charity partner
Announcing a trio of senior appointments
Annual outlook looking strong following latest deal data
Aspire Northern Ireland
Aspiring Lawyers tackle UK Sports Law competition
Asset finance awards success
Asset finance team makes shortlist for Leasing Life Awards
Asset finance team makes shortlist in two categories for Leasing Life Awards 2023
Asset finance team shortlisted in four categories for Leasing World Gold Awards
Asset finance team wins Top Asset Finance Legal Team award for sixth time
Associate director strengthens building consultancy team
Award success for Entrust
Awards shortlisting success for Midlands residential development team
Ballroom fundraisers hand over charity cheque
Belfast champion summer camp for Northern Ireland's youth
Belfast goes back to school with donation drive
Belfast office scores with charity donation
Belfast: Back to school in aid of Aspire NI
Belfast: Northern Ireland Graduate Recruitment Fair 2023
Belfast: Queens University Belfast Spotlight on Law Event 2023
Belfast: Stepping up for charity
Beth Mather named ‘Changemaker of the Year’ at prestigious awards event
Birmingham are united in Pride
Birmingham has everything businesses need… but it must market itself better
Birmingham office raises £400 for SportsAid
Birmingham students inspired to take up a career in law
Birmingham: Celebrating Birmingham Pride 2023
Boardroom pledge assists Birmingham Community Matters
Boardroom pledge assists Sport 4 Life UK
British Legal Awards shortlist success
Cameron triumphs in Madrid marathon for baby loss charity
Capital allowances: How will the changes to non-resident landlord taxation affect you?
Celebrating Belfast office growth
Celebrating Insider NW Dealmakers shortlist success
Celebrating LGBT+ history month with the NSPCC
Celebrating Midlands Dealmakers shortlist success
Celebrating West Midlands Business Masters Awards 2022 nomination
Celebrating a trio of top award nominations
Celebrating multiple award nominations at 2022 Midlands Insider Dealmaker Awards
Celebrating nomination for the North West Residential Property Awards 2023
Celebrating success at the Insider Midlands Residential Property Awards 2022
Celebrating the Midlands dealmaking community at Gateley Deal Dinner 2024
Charity cycle ride returns to Cheshire
Charity golf day swings into action
Clients in Leeds go hunting for treasure
Cocktail evening raises funds for men’s suicide prevention charity
Coffee morning raises funds for Macmillan
Colleagues donate food to help those in need
Colleagues from our Guildford and Reading offices go walking for charity
Colleagues swap the courtroom for the classroom
Colleagues triumph at the Nottingham Post Corporate Challenge
Corporate Deal Dinner raises money for Alzheimer’s Research UK
Corporate dealmaker shortlisted for North West Young Professionals of the Year
Corporate team triumphs at Insider News Midlands Dealmakers Awards
Crafting kindness with charity donation
Dawn keeps village tidy with volunteering hours
Dominick dances for a great cause
Donation to Pakistan Floods Appeal
Donation to Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal
Double delight for Gateley Legal at Birmingham Legal Awards 2024
Double joy as we are crowned Law Firm of the Year at Birmingham Law Society 2025 Legal Awards
Double shortlisting success at Midlands Residential Property Awards
Double shortlisting success for Gateley Hamer at 2024 NIPA awards
Double shortlisting success for Gateley Smithers Purslow at Investors in People Awards 2024
Double the impact with charity efforts
Drinks reception supports McCarthy Stone Foundation
Dubai employment team ‘highly commended’ for work around mental health
Duo of nominations for Birmingham Young Professional of the Year
Eight month charity cycling challenge raises nearly £300,000
Elmer under the charity auction hammer
Embrace Equality to celebrating International Women’s Day 2023
Embracing online work experience scheme to help students
Enplan adds Schroders to defined benefit consolidation platform
Enplan celebrates 50th scheme milestone
Entrust success - pension scheme shortlisted for prestigious Professional Pensions Award
Excellence in Contribution to the Community recognition
Finalists announced for Gateley-sponsored Business Transformation of the Year Award
Five finalists for Gateley at Insider’s Midlands Young Professional Awards 2024
Five nominations for Corporate team at Thames Valley Deals Awards
Four new appointments in Reading for Gateley Legal’s residential development team
Four quantity surveying hires in the South East for Gateley Vinden
Framework success for Gateley Vinden
From the locker room to the boardroom – shining a spotlight on effective leadership
Funding backs work to stop domestic abuse
Fundraising for Brain Tumour Research
Gateley Belfast and East Belfast Mission launch new partnership to tackle homelessness
Gateley Belfast announces Dementia NI as its new charity partner for 2024
Gateley Belfast announces hat-trick of grass roots rugby sponsorship deals
Gateley Belfast backs rising Irish athlete Nick Griggs
Gateley Belfast boxes up Christmas treats for local charity’s Hamper Appeal
Gateley Belfast champions summer camp for Northern Ireland’s youth
Gateley Belfast partnership with Aspire NI to continue
Gateley Capitus bolsters London capital allowances team
Gateley Capitus opens in Belfast
Gateley Global shortlisted in prestigious Institute of Export & International Trade Awards
Gateley Global wins a prestigious award
Gateley Grants score a hole in one with new funding support for female golfers
Gateley Group conquers national three peaks challenge for Birmingham Mind
Gateley Hamer gear up for winning relationship with Acorns
Gateley Legal NI awards prize to outstanding law student
Gateley Legal NI sponsor The Royal Society of Ulster Architects Sustainability Conference
Gateley Legal Northern Ireland’s Business Quiz raises thousands for two Belfast charities
Gateley Legal added to McCarthy & Stone’s legal panel
Gateley Legal adds three new recruits to Guildford office
Gateley Legal advises the Manchester Giants on sponsorship licence
Gateley Legal and Lowry agree partnership as venue gears up for 25th anniversary celebrations
Gateley Legal announces 11 new hires in Birmingham
Gateley Legal announces Roger McCourt as new head of Leeds office
Gateley Legal announces new partner appointment in Newcastle
Gateley Legal announces two key private wealth appointments
Gateley Legal appoints Leeds Real Estate partner James Sargent
Gateley Legal appoints corporate legal director in Manchester
Gateley Legal appoints new Manchester partner
Gateley Legal appoints new real estate partner in Birmingham
Gateley Legal bolsters East Midlands construction team with four appointments
Gateley Legal boosts its restructuring advisory team with lateral hire
Gateley Legal closes in on £1bn aggregate deal value for the North West
Gateley Legal continues growth in Leeds with eight new appointments
Gateley Legal deal wins at Insider North West Dealmakers 2024
Gateley Legal deals shortlisted at Insider’s Yorkshire Dealmakers 2024
Gateley Legal deals shortlisted for brace of accolades at Rainmakers North West Awards 2024
Gateley Legal expands Nottingham team with partner hire
Gateley Legal expands South East planning team with new duo
Gateley Legal expands planning team in Reading
Gateley Legal expands specialist residential development team in Manchester
Gateley Legal invests in local talent with five new hires in Leeds
Gateley Legal looks to the future with five new legal recruits in Belfast
Gateley Legal makes it eight nominations at Rainmakers West Midlands Awards 2024
Gateley Legal makes senior appointment within Birmingham construction team
Gateley Legal makes senior construction appointment in Guildford
Gateley Legal named most active deal adviser in the UK
Gateley Legal named most active deal adviser nationally
Gateley Legal named most active deal adviser nationally and in three regions
Gateley Legal named most active deal adviser nationally in 2020
Gateley Legal named one of the ‘Best Student Employers’ in the UK
Gateley Legal names Bliss as new charity partner
Gateley Legal ranked number one for deals in the Midlands and North West
Gateley Legal recognised in The Times Best Law Firms 2021 list
Gateley Legal shortlisted at Insider’s East Midlands Dealmakers Awards
Gateley Legal shortlisted for a hat-trick of awards at South Yorkshire Dealmakers
Gateley Legal signs memorandum of understanding with the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Gateley Legal strengthens Equity Capital Markets team with new partner appointment
Gateley Legal strengthens Reading Corporate team with key appointment
Gateley Legal strengthens property and corporate offering with four partner hire
Gateley Legal welcomes 13 recruits to Manchester
Gateley Plc Residential Development team becomes largest in UK
Gateley Plc announces 30 promotions across national network
Gateley Plc announces partnership with the UK Cheerleading Association
Gateley Plc appointed official supplier to PGAs of Europe
Gateley Plc appoints legal director to head up new residential conveyancing offering
Gateley Plc appoints legal director to launch residential development offering in Manchester
Gateley Plc appoints new business services director
Gateley Plc awarded Law Firm of the Year at Thames Valley Deal Awards 2018
Gateley Plc continues expansion in Leeds with Commerce, Technology & Media launch and three new appointments
Gateley Plc expands Residential Development team in Nottingham
Gateley Plc expands service offering in Reading
Gateley Plc gets muddy for charity
Gateley Plc launches residential development offering in East Midlands
Gateley Plc makes key appointment to surety team
Gateley Plc makes key residential development partner hire
Gateley Plc makes record number of promotions
Gateley Plc marks three years in Reading with new legal appointments
Gateley Plc named most active M&A legal adviser in North West for 2018
Gateley Plc named most active legal adviser for Q3 2018
Gateley Plc named most active legal adviser nationally for H1 2018
Gateley Plc over halfway to 'Gateley the Guide Dog'
Gateley Plc provides pro bono advice to Iraqi refugee charity
Gateley Plc raises more than £50k for charity Baby Lifeline
Gateley Plc ranked most active legal adviser nationally
Gateley Plc remains most active Midlands legal adviser for Q1 2017
Gateley Plc shortlisted for City A.M. award
Gateley Plc smashes 350 mile cycling sportive and exceeds £10k target for Help for Heroes
Gateley Plc takes on 350 mile national cycle sportive for Help for Heroes
Gateley Plc wins Angelmist battle
Gateley Plc’s Leeds Real Estate team doubles in size
Gateley Plc’s Restructuring Conferences to focus on helping businesses create resilience in an ever-complex world
Gateley RJA appoints new technical director in Nottingham
Gateley RJA celebrates success with win at Investors in People Awards 2024
Gateley RJA duo shortlisted at Investors in People Awards 2024
Gateley Smithers Purslow announced as 2024 ProCon Awards finalist
Gateley Smithers Purslow celebrates win at Investors in People Awards 2024
Gateley Smithers Purslow inspire the next generation
Gateley Smithers Purslow tackle Tough Mudder challenge
Gateley Vinden strengthens building consultancy team with two new directors
Gateley Vinden successfully appointed to £1.5 billion Innovation Chain North Framework
Gateley Vinden to provide multi-disciplinary construction services to affordable housing provider
Gateley aces sponsorship deal with rising tennis star
Gateley acquires Hamer Associates
Gateley acquires land and property law firm GCL Solicitors LLP
Gateley and SportsAid partner to fund promising Belfast athlete
Gateley and SportsAid partner to fund promising Hampstead athlete
Gateley and SportsAid partner to fund promising Nottingham athlete
Gateley and SportsAid partner to fund promising athlete from Leeds
Gateley and SportsAid partner to fund promising athlete from Reading
Gateley and SportsAid partner to fund promising athletes from the West Midlands
Gateley announced as Badminton England’s official Legal Partner
Gateley announces 2024 promotions with nine new partners
Gateley announces 38 promotions across national network
Gateley announces duo leadership team for Manchester
Gateley appoints consultant to grow international arbitration practice in Africa
Gateley appoints new head of immigration
Gateley commits to levelling up the UK
Gateley deal wins top award at South-East Dealmakers 2024
Gateley expands London team with three key partner hires
Gateley first Birmingham business to officially partner with Make Good Grow
Gateley funds research into rare form of dementia
Gateley hits the back of the net with sports law competition
Gateley in Birmingham names Buddy Bag Foundation as new charity partner
Gateley in Leicester names Leicester Children’s Holidays as new charity partner
Gateley in Reading names St. Michael’s Hospice as charity partner
Gateley kickstarts bursary programme for UA92 students
Gateley launches Diversity, Equity and Inclusion compliance audit
Gateley launches all employee sharesave scheme
Gateley launches litigation funding facility
Gateley lawyer set to represent Great Britain at European championships
Gateley named UK Law Firm of the Year at British Legal Awards
Gateley named in The Times Best Law Firms 2023 list
Gateley names 'Mind in the City' as new charity partner
Gateley names Framework as new charity partner
Gateley names St Ann's Hospice as new charity partner
Gateley names new Manchester head
Gateley quizzers raise funds for charity
Gateley raises over £10,000 for Candlelighters
Gateley raises over £11,000 for children’s hospital
Gateley recognised in The Times Best Law Firms 2025
Gateley secures a spot on Stonewall’s top 100 list for leading LGBTQ+ inclusive employers
Gateley signs up to the Better Business Act
Gateley signs up to the Mindful Business Charter
Gateley sponsors cycling ‘down under’ fundraiser
Gateley strengthens international arbitration practice with two partner hires
Gateley team passes the 100 mark in Leeds
Gateley trio shortlisted at Inspiring Women in Property Awards 2024
Gateley welcomes 11 new hires in Nottingham
Gateley’s Property Platform clinches top Property Week RESI award
Gateley’s Property Platform shortlisted for prestigious industry award
Get a spring back in your step
Get back on your bike this spring
Giving UA92 students an insight into the professional services sector
Golden Greta: a win for our SportsAid athlete
Hamper appeal raises funds for Tiny Life
Helping the homeless this winter
Homeless people feel the love with Valentine’s raffle
IFT recognition for our restructuring team
In memory of Iain Davies
In memory of Toni Vitale
Inspiring the next generation of lawyers
Investment supported by Gateley wins Medium-Sized Deal of the Year
Kiddy joins the Gateley Group to provide a platform for growth
Laurel Knight named Young Dealmaker of the Year at Thames Valley Deals Awards 2024
Leeds Playhouse announce new partnership with Gateley
Leeds dash for the Andy's Man Club
Leeds office names child bed poverty charity Zarach as partner
Leeds office shortlisted in two categories for Yorkshire Legal Awards
Leeds property team expansion as office celebrates ten years
Leeds: Volunteering to support a future generation of lawyers
Legal 500 and Chambers rankings highlight Gateley talent
Legal director boosts Manchester residential team
London office marks International Day of Tolerance
London: £600 raised from Legal Walk
Lucky seven success with 2023 Rainmaker Awards
MBET students gain valuable work experience
Make a Will in 2023
Mamas & Papas appoints Gateley Legal as new advisers
Manchester legal practice attracts international investment through Exhibitions Property team
Manchester office celebrates the University Academy 92 Graduation Ceremony
Manchester: The Great Manchester Run
Manchester’s charity run raises spirits and funds for good cause
Matthew sets sail with volunteering hours
Midlands residential development team retains ‘Law Firm of the Year’ title
Networking with a difference proves a hit
New Birmingham residential development partner at Gateley Legal
New Down Triathlon Club sponsorship deal
New London director for building consultancy team
New legal director boosts Guildford planning team
New pensions partner joins the team in Nottingham
Nick’s marathon effort for Alzheimer’s Research UK
Nine partners named amongst raft of promotions at Gateley
Nine shortlists at East Midlands Rainmaker Awards 2024
Nottingham residential development team expands
Our Leeds office celebrates success at Business Sevens tournament
Our Leeds office raises thousands for male suicide prevention charity
Our Leeds office ‘go walking’
Our commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion at work recognised by Stonewall
Our contribution to sustainability through a fruitful partnership
Pension Protection Fund consults with the Gateley Surety Academy’s Pension Bond Association on new guidance
Printers pledged to help good causes
Private Equity Awards shortlist
Proud to once again support Birmingham Law Society’s Diversity Inclusion Scheme
Quiz win for Midlands corporate team
Raising funds for TinyLife charity
Real estate litigation partner joins Gateley Legal in London
Real estate team nominated at North West Property Awards 2023
Rebecca Sherwin awarded accolade at Property Week’s Inspiring Women in Property Awards 2024
Recognition in The Times Best Law Firms 2022 list
Regional property awards shortlisting for North West residential development team
Report reveals red tape top of concerns for UK businesses
Research dinner offers insight
Rockin the ribbon for World AIDS Day
Sale Sharks rubber stamp Gateley partnership
Samosa sale raises funds for the homeless in Birmingham
Scheme completes landmark full buy-in, two years ahead of schedule
Senior appointment for Gateley Legal’s Guildford residential development team
Senior construction appointment at Gateley Legal
Shining a light on Alzheimer’s
Shortlisting success for Mark Campbell at Insider’s North East Young Professionals Awards 2024
Shortlisting success for North West residential development team at regional property awards
Significant growth for the Guildford Residential Development team
Sock appeal helps the homeless in Birmingham
Spark set to ignite new business relationships across the North West
Sports quiz raises nearly £50,000 for charity
Stationery donation makes a real difference to Birmingham pupils
Steven Collin awarded Property Week’s RESI Trailblazer 2024 accolade
Success as first pair of Gateley Legal NI trainees qualify as solicitors
Supporting West Midlands sporting talent
Supporting our forests one tree at a time
Symbiosis IP Ranked in the IAM Patent 1000 2022
Symbiosis IP expands intellectual property and patent services following two appointments
Tackling food poverty in Reading
Team effort raises over £2,000 for The Mustard Tree
Teams take five for Mental Health Awareness Week
Ten shortlists for corporate team at Insider Midlands Dealmakers
Thames Valley team clinch top property award
The Heart of England Forest: our latest charity partner
The annual office Iftar returns
The world's biggest coffee morning
Tools at the ready for Gateley RJA
Top financial disputes lawyer joins rapidly expanding Leeds office of Gateley Plc
Tour de Gateley charity event returns
Tour de Gateley returns
Tozer Gallagher LLP joins Gateley Vinden
Triple win for Gateley Legal at East Midlands Rainmaker Awards 2024
Two nominations for Midlands Young Professionals Awards
UA92 breakfast event raises awareness
UA92 students gain an insight into professional services
UK Sports Law Competition gives students a competitive edge
UK Sports Law competition gives university students a competitive edge
UK needs short-term economic wins, according to our political panel discussion
University spinouts inhibited by lack of access to capital according to survey
Used books get a second life in support of NSPCC
Using the Levelling Up Goals to manage change
Volunteers recognised at star-studded fundraiser for Ukraine
Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge in support of the NSPCC
Young talent backed through diversity scheme
£87,000 raised at Childline charity ball
Pensions law insights
Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace
Fertility and baby loss: How can workplaces support their teams?
New ways, New habits: 2024 trends and foresights – The future of the office
New ways, New habits: 2024 trends and foresights – The impact of organisational purpose on workplace culture
New ways, New habits: Personality profiling for dynamic group coaching
New ways, New habits: Rapid evolution (part one)
New ways, New habits: Rapid evolution (part three)
New ways, New habits: Rapid evolution (part two)
New ways, New habits: The Essentials Of Group Coaching
New ways, New habits: The future of leadership (part one)
New ways, New habits: The future of leadership (part two)
Talking Business Podcast: Changes to the Employee Ownership Trust regime
Talking Business podcast: A new class of personal property
Talking Business podcast: ClientEarth v Shell
Talking Business podcast: Directors’ interests and conflicts
Talking Business podcast: Failed warranty claims
Talking Business podcast: Government review of national security regime
Talking Business podcast: Guidance on e-signatures
Talking Business podcast: How an oral agreement to transfer shares overrode a will
Talking Business podcast: Is a typed name a satisfactory signature?
Talking Business podcast: Non-compete restriction in an investment agreement
Talking Business podcast: Share dealing during a closed period
Talking Business podcast: Significant changes on the horizon for UK companies
Talking Business podcast: The FCA’s new rules
Talking Business podcast: The National Security and Investment Act
Talking Business podcast: The limits of a limitation of liability clause
Talking Business podcast: The misuse of non-disclosure agreements
Talking Business podcast: The new Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023
Talking Business podcast: The validity of sole director decisions
Talking Business podcast: The ‘failure to prevent fraud’ offence
Talking Business podcast: UK Autumn Budget 2021
Talking Business podcast: Warranty claims under share purchase agreements
Talking Business podcast: What duties can a director owe after liquidation?
Talking Business podcast: What’s “material” in a material adverse change?
Talking Business podcast: When an interim dividend becomes due and payable
Talking Business podcast: a guide to employee ownership trusts
Talking Business podcast: a guide to non-disclosure agreements
Talking Business podcast: a round up of 2021
Talking Business podcast: company share buybacks – how to prevent a buyback from being void
Talking Business podcast: how will Government exercise its new powers to intervene in transactions?
Talking Business podcast: key changes to corporate law in 2021
Talking Business podcast: recent developments in corporate law – corporate law post COVID-19
Talking Business podcast: reducing red tape post-Brexit
Talking Business podcast: remote signing FAQS
Talking Business podcast: the UK Recovery Loan Scheme extended to June 2022
Talking Business podcast: the UK’s National Security and Investment Act 2021 – the impact on UK transactions
Talking Business podcast: the practical implications of recent corporate case decisions
Talking Business podcast: to what extent are duties owed by a director after they have resigned?
Talking Business podcast: what happens to shares when a shareholder dies?
Talking Data Protection: International data transfers
Talking People: Concluding a workplace investigation
Talking People: Conducting a workplace investigation interview
Talking People: How to prepare for workplace investigations
The Purpose Pod: Ben Dickinson - Every step counts
The Purpose Pod: Black History Month – Creating safe, inclusive and diverse work environments
The Purpose Pod: Cancer Awareness Trust – transforming every individual’s cancer journey
The Purpose Pod: Cassie-Ann Pemberton - going for gold medal glory
The Purpose Pod: Frankie Frize – Overcoming setbacks
The Purpose Pod: Helen Burgess - Supporting people with fertility challenges
The Purpose Pod: Ken Titchen - Pride in the workplace
The Purpose Pod: Maiden Cricket – Breaking boundaries to improve gender inclusivity
The Purpose Pod: RunThrough – Get moving for good
The Purpose Pod: Sport 4 Life – Empowering youth through sports and guidance
The Purpose Pod: The Heart of England Forest – Empowering young people through nature
The Purpose Pod: The Heart of England Forest – protecting our planet’s biodiversity
The Purpose Pod: Veganuary – The power of a plant-based January
Women in IP podcast
Private client insights
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International recoveries services
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Redundancies: considerations for businesses
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Symbiosis IP
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