Disputes for retail businesses
Disputes are often costly and time consuming, distracting management of retail businesses from the day-to-day running of the business.
Our dispute resolution team is familiar with handling all aspects of commercial disputes in the retail sector, regularly advising in relation to contractual rights and obligations, supplier/ distributor agreements as well as brand protection and intellectual property challenges. We recognise the importance of effectively assessing and managing disputes from an early stage, forming a clear strategy to ensure a quick and effective solution.
Typically, our services focus on pre-action advice with a view to resolving a dispute if possible without the necessity of court proceedings, including through mediation and other methods of alternative dispute resolution. We are also very experienced in bringing and defending proceedings in the County Court and in the High Court if the need arises.
The team also has expertise in applying for urgent remedies such as search orders for the preservation of evidence, freezing injunction orders restraining a company from removing and dealing with its assets and other interim remedies such as an order to deliver up goods or disclose documents. We aim to work together with our clients in the resolution of commercial disputes by helping them achieve their objectives, manage the risks and minimise their exposure.
We assist our retail clients to protect their brands and reputations in a variety of ways including: