ARM wanted to undertake succession planning and development for their Group CEO role.
We were asked by the Group HRD to design an approach that would both identify succession strengths and gaps, as well as be focused on the future challenges of the CEO. We began by establishing future landscape scenarios by in-depth interviews with the CEO, Strategy Director and key Board Members, as well as researching available market forecasts.
How did we help?
We took leaders from businesses based in the US, UK and China through a one-day assessment process. This comprised narrative 360, psychometrics, in-depth interview and business case simulation. Each participant received an in-depth report, detailed feedback on a 1 to 1 level, followed by development planning involving the CEO and Group HRD.
What was the outcome?
The business was able get a clear indication of how each of the leaders were positioned in relation to the future CEO demands, the nature of the gaps and where best to invest their development spend. The individual leaders were provided with in-depth feedback and actionable development suggestions that enabled them to make immediate changes within their roles, supplemented by longer term development opportunities. One of the leaders made the decision to change their career direction, which both the business and the leader saw as a sign of success.