TWEFS Retirement Benefits Scheme (the Scheme)

Statement of Investment Principles

Legislation requires trustees to agree a Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) in consultation with the sponsoring employer.

The SIP sets out the principles governing how decisions about investments are made. It details the current investment strategy, investment objectives and policies including the way risks are measured and managed and stewardship and the Trustee's approach to financially material considerations and non-financial matters.

Download the Statement of Investment Principles Download the Statement of Investment Principles


Annual Governance Statement

Trustees of defined contribution pension schemes are required to prepare an Annual Governance Statement. This statement provides information about the governance of the Scheme and details how the Trustee has met its legal obligations in relation to the management of the defined contribution section of the Scheme during the year in question. It also provides information about certain charges and transaction costs incurred in the operation of the defined contribution section of the Scheme.

The most recent Annual Governance Statement for the Scheme can be found on this page.

Download the Annual Governance Statement


Implementation Statement

The Trustee is required to produce an annual implementation statement which sets out how, and the extent to which, the SIP has been followed during the Scheme year and which provides relevant information about reviewing the SIP. The statement also explains any changes that have been made to the SIP, how the voting and engagement policy in respect of the Scheme's investments has been followed during the Scheme year and describes the Trustee's voting behaviour. 

The most recent implementation statement for the Scheme can be found below.

Download the Scheme’s latest Implementation Statement