The latest business and finance insight
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How can distressed companies use the Part A1 moratorium?
Moratoriums can be a helpful tool for eligible companies to use alongside other restructuring mechanisms such as restructuring plans. In our insight we provide an o…
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Must a business be insolvent to enter a CVA?
A Company Voluntary Arrangement can be a useful tool for companies and other businesses to enter into a statutory arrangement with its creditors. We explore in what…
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Doing business 2023: spending continues to tighten
The challenges of running a successful business in the UK look set to continue. Here we consider what warning signs business owners should be looking out for.
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A guide to TUPE information and consultation
In this guide our experts give an outline of what is meant by TUPE information as well as provide an overview of the consultation process.
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Restrictive covenants: protecting the most valuable assets of a business
When a key employee or team leaves to join a competitor, it can be enough to place your business in distress. Partner Neil Warner explains how restrictive covenants…
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Disputes over IP ownership
It is likely that developing innovative technology will be done in collaboration with others. Disputes over IP ownership can be messy, and best avoided by having a …
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Covenants and confidentiality: the key to protecting your business
Restrictive covenants can provide powerful protection for businesses threatened by competition from former employees or directors, but they are often perceived as u…
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How to terminate a contract
If your business is facing distress, reviewing contractual commitments, and identifying opportunities to terminate those that are unproductive, can help significant…
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Organisational and operational restructuring - a clear guide
Organisational restructuring is the identification of the causes of organisational underperformance and the development of an improvement strategy. Operational rest…
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Breaching lender covenants
Robust monitoring will give good warning of potential breaches. This may give time to avoid them. If not, early and effective lender management can minimise their i…
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Improving working capital and raising finance
Cash is the life blood of a business. How can a board of directors manage short term financial pressures and raise new funding?
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Closing your UK subsidiary
A guide to closing a UK limited company, often in order to assist a wider operational restructuring.
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Grey Swans: managing through multiple uncertainties
Unlike a Black Swan event, a Grey Swan event may be extreme but predictable. How does a board of directors deal effectively with multiple extreme events
The latest people insight
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A guide to TUPE information and consultation
In this guide our experts give an outline of what is meant by TUPE information as well as provide an overview of the consultation process.
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Buying or selling a business: can TUPE be avoided?
Our employment experts answer some commonly-asked questions regarding the application of TUPE to business transfers.
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TUPE and Service Provision Changes: key considerations
There are a number of considerations for employers assessing the relevance of Service Provision Changes and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regu…
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TUPE or not to TUPE: service provision changes
This article looks at the practical issues on TUPE, when TUPE applies to a service provision change and the automatic transfer principle.
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TUPE: commonly asked questions
We shed some light on commonly asked questions regarding The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE).
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Restrictive covenants: protecting the most valuable assets of a business
When a key employee or team leaves to join a competitor, it can be enough to place your business in distress. Partner Neil Warner explains how restrictive covenants…
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TUPE: what is it?
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) can be complicated and complex. In this article we give an overview of what TUPE mea…
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A guide to individual consultation in an employment contract variation exercise
This article looks at the main dos and don'ts when undertaking individual consultations on a contractual change of employees' terms and conditions.
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Options to consider before making redundancies
This article looks at the options that employers could consider before making redundancies or changing terms and conditions of employment.
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Who do I need to consult with when I want to change employees’ T&Cs?
Given the current economic uncertainty, it is not surprising that we are seeing increasing numbers of employers seeking to change employees’ terms and conditions of…
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Who to consult with in a large-scale contractual variation
The process of consulting about changing employees’ terms and conditions of employment can be a confusing minefield. This article looks at who employers need to con…
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What restrictions are there on an employer’s ability to impose new T&Cs on employees?
Imposing new terms of employment on employees can arise in a variety of circumstances. The most obvious uncontroversial example would be a pay rise. For more contro…
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Changing terms and conditions of employment: employer considerations
Once an employment contract is entered into, both employer and employee are bound by it. That doesn’t mean it can’t be changed though. What options are available?
Article / Insight
Covenants and confidentiality: the key to protecting your business
Restrictive covenants can provide powerful protection for businesses threatened by competition from former employees or directors, but they are often perceived as u…
If your business finds itself under stress, in distress or facing insolvency, you can talk in confidence to one of our specialists. They regularly work with directors and boards to support businesses in crisis with the objective of finding ways to bring forward recovery and turnaround.